"Certainly not a believer of the Gov't., but tired of
overblown conspiracy theories and new-age mumbo-jumbo"


That's a catchy phrase up there...Who are you, where do you
live, and what do you believe?

I'm asking you as a Quaker who is up to eyebrows in
Peace stuff and wanting to be a part of a civil society thing in the
US.  Is the belief in the priority of taking power, like the right
wing of our country has so efficiently done, a conspiracy
or just a responsibility that has to be taken if we are going to
have a world at all?

When I lived on the east coast, there were people all around me
who were far beyond the paradigm I knew, and I never rubbed
shoulders with them.  But then I was lucky enough to know people
who followed a Jain teacher and they taught me to meditate.  The
eastern religions aren't New Age.  They're very old, but they are
full of mumbo-jumbo compared with protestant Christianity.

Then I came out west,  and my whole world shifted.  I became
Biodynamic.  I healed myself cold turkey with macrobiotics.
I went to an energetic healer.  I became alienated from the
mainstream big time.  People were tougher.  Living was much,
much harder.

You're just asking for a paradigm shift.


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