> Oh, it's a Tesla thing, exploited (I researched it a
> bit).  Say no more.
> Thanks,
> Chris Shade
> "Certainly not a believer of the Gov't., but tired of
> overblown conspiracy theories and new-age mumbo-jumbo"

> I agree here - for instance the chemtrail / cloudbuster thing has the
capacity to do a lot of damage to our weather systems because of peoples
over reaction - sure there is very likely something happening ( North
America anyway ) but the cure could easily turn out worse than the original
problem. I have been dryland farming for 35 years and we always used to look
at lingering jet trails in the upper atmosphere as a good sign of upper
level moisture and the longer they hung around the better (normal contrails
from horizon to horizon)  The recent hysteria over chemtrails has showed up
on the east coast of Australia and has had me quite puzzled as they look
like normal jet trails to me!  Maybe I am missing something
 Sorry my original post was a bit heavy
 Lloyd Charles

>>      Hey Chris
> >                   You don't really believe that they
> > tell us the truth about
> > what goes on in installations like this do you ??
> > Those boys are playing
> > with things we can't even begin to imagine the power
> > of !!!  We are two
> > generations along from the H bomb - I would think
> > that a decent earthquake
> > or two would be well within reach!!
> > L Charles
> >
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