Calgary Herald March 28, 2002
By Mia Stainsby

Writer Deplores Scary Science

"It could have ended all plant life on this continent," geneticist David

Suzuki says in the book. "The implications of this case are nothing
of terrifying."

A few years ago, a German biotech company genetically modified a common
soil bacterium, Klebsiella planticula, to enable it to break down
vegetative waste and produce ethanol.

It seemed like a huge accomplishment -- ethanol could be used as a
alternative and the rest of the biomass as compost for farming. Hopes
high and it was field-tested at Oregon State University.

When the genetically modified bacterium was added to living soil,
the seeds planted in the soil (to produce the vegetable matter to be
down) sprouted, but then died. The genetically modified Klebsiella was a

feisty little guy, knocking out a fungus that plants need to extract
nutrients from the soil. Without it, plants can't survive.

More frightening, the genetically modified bacteria persisted in the
Had it been released, it could have become virtually impossible to
eradicate, says author John Robbins in his newest book, The Food
(Conari Press, $28.95). "It could have ended all plant life on this
continent," geneticist David Suzuki says in the book. "The implications
this case are nothing short of terrifying."

"That's how close we came," Robbins says during a phone interview from
home in Santa Cruz, Calif. To him, genetic engineering in the food
spells potential disaster to our health and environment.

His first book, Diet for a New America, made us aware of animal cruelty
factory farm and awakened us to the environmental and health impacts of
eating meat and dairy products.

The Food Revolution addresses his concerns about food production. He
about the problems of fish farming, declining wild fisheries, and the
political, corporate, health and environmental intrigues of large-scale
meat production in North America.

But his biggest worry is genetically modified food and its potential to
alter our food supply and health.

"It's utterly in the hands of corporations seeking private profit," he

Globally, about 40 million hectares are planted with genetically
crops: 72 per cent in the U.S.; 17 per cent in Argentina; 10 per cent in


"Basically, the rest of the world is saying they don't want to be guinea

pigs. They're actively, specifically, directly, rejecting it." says

According to Health Canada, 48 GM crops so far have been approved in
Canada. One-third of the corn and two-thirds of the soybeans grown in
U.S. are genetically modified.

Seventy per cent of modifications involve the Bacillus thuringiensis
(Bt), which is spliced into the plant so it can withstand specific
herbicides and resist insects.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture tripled the allowable residues of
ingredients in the herbicide Roundup to make the GM technique
viable with soy crops, says Robbins. It allows farmers to kill weeds
Roundup without killing the Roundup-resistant crop. "But people are
weedkiller," he says.

The Vancouver office of Earthsave Canada says it's difficult to pin down

how many GM foods end up on supermarket shelves. "Soy, canola and corn
widely genetically modified," says spokesman Dom Repta.

Robbins says Monsanto, which produces Roundup, has done tests that prove

Roundup Ready soybeans have lower nutritional values.

Another problem is Monsanto's "terminator technology," in which seeds
rendered sterile after one planting. Eighty per cent of crops in
countries use saved seeds, but with this technology, seeds must be
purchased each year.

Robbins says another company has patented a genetic process that makes
germination and growth dependent upon repeated doses of the company's

Experiments in the biotech food industry have included inserting
genes into tomatoes, human genes into salmon, and rat and bacteria genes

into broccoli. Labs around the world are researching splicing genes into

fish from chickens, humans, cattle and rats.

When genes shuttle between a wide variety of species, they can take with

them genetic parasites such as viruses, usually kept in check by species

barriers, Robbins says.

Many countries are saying no to GM foods. Europe, Robbins says, has been

leading the charge in rejecting GM foods and embracing organic farming.
2010, a third of farmed area in the European Union will be organic.
is lagging behind with 1.3 per cent (1999). The U.S. has 0.2 per cent.

Meanwhile, Brazil's largest soybean-growing state declared itself a
zone. India has banned the testing of GM crops. The governments of
Italy, Denmark, Greece and Luxembourg have moved to block new varieties
GM crops in the European Union. The union's seven largest grocery chains

have made a public commitment to go GM-free.

Unlike Canada and the U.S., the European Union, Japan, South Korea,
Australia and Mexico require mandatory labelling of GM foods. In
October, a
required mandatory labelling bill was defeated 126 to 91 in Canada.

"To me," says Robbins, "the measure of a great civilization is the
of lives it leaves to future generations."


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