Hi Gil and all,

Thanks for the dowsing references.  Am I reading you right that you use milk
spray D1 and Willow tea as an insect spray?  or as a herbicide?  I need a sky
hook here.  Could you expand on this a bit starting from the beginning?

Last night on NOVA we saw a program on "Red Roos" in a park in OZ.  It was
charming.  I am very concerned about the huge hole in the ozone over the lower
southern hemisphere.  It's so darned diabolical.

I'm also concerned about Brucellosis (intercellular parasites) and BSE (mad
cow disease)   When I worked with my friend on her Meridian Stress Analyzer
she told me that it was everywhere and it's just a matter of time before we
have full blown cases of this in the U.S.  She found it in my body among other

For anyone interested, her instrument looked like a laptop.  It had lots of
data bases in it.  She had two receptibles for putting substances in to get
readings on the screen.   Besides putting me in the computer as a witness for
the road substances, as a favor she analyzed my whole body.  She had two leads
and she put wet cotton pad on one lead that ended in a metal cylinder which I
held in my left hand. The other lead was a probe which she wet each time on a
cotton pad and then used on pressure points on my right hand and toes to get a
readings.  When she touched the probe hard on each point, a graph line rose
from zero toward 50% on the screen.  If it reached 50% in a steep curve that
was good.  If it didn't, that was bad.  She charted all parts of my body that
way and showed me where I needed to work . She made me  a homeopathic remedy
on a tray based on the highest priority readings which I am spraying into my
mouth quite often and am trying to sweat out toxins in hot baths and with

While I still held the cylinder in my left hand, she put the vibration of all
the BD substances I brought her into the computer with the recepticles, then
she dowsed the potencies with the graph.  She put the dirt from the road and
the Pfeiffer Field Spray and Peppers on the screen and dowsed three different
potencies of each BD substance which she put into a bottle of distilled water
for me on a tray. Hope I've explained this well enough.  I don't know much
more than this.

Since this was the first time she had ever done a road, we both wondered how
this will all turn out.  I wish I could put the actual material substances on
one side of the road and the radionic vibrations on the other--give or take
the varying exposures as the road winds around.  I'm afraid of breaking my
word to the Weed Board if I use the field spray.  I'm going nuts waiting for
word from Public Works on whether the state has released our money.  I have
plenty to do, however, on my own here on the road project and on our own

Wish everyone downunder a beautiful fall.  I am holding the whole world in the


Gil Robertson wrote:

> I don't know how or when it was first used, but is becoming very widely
> used here and it giving better control than many chemical treatments, so is
> being used outside the Organic/ BD area. Lots of home users are also using
> it. We have a lot of indepth gardening shows on TV, Radio and Cable and all
> seem to put it as the thing to try first. (Over most of the country we have
> climates that allow gardening all year around, with a few exceptions. Thus
> Australians mostly have some sort of garden, if only ornamental.)
> Gil
> Geoff Heinricks wrote:
> > >Have you tried a milk spray?
> > >
> > >This is all the go in Oz at the moment. Dilute ten to one with water,
> > >can be fresh or powered. Being used both commercially and in home
> > >gardens. Being used in really large and valuable vine yards.
> > >
> > >James Hedley (on this list) has made some successful Homoeopathics,
> > >using Radionics for fungi, you may like to talk to him.
> > >
> > >Gil
> >
> > Gil,
> >
> > What is the purpose & thinking behind a milk spray? I'm curious...never
> > heard of it. How did it come to be teh rage in Oz?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Geoff Heinricks
> > Prince Edward County, Ontario

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