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>Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 06:48:56 +0100
>From: "Richard K. Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: The Grand Coup of 11 September
>After seven months, Washington has yet to present one shred
>of evidence to support its fanciful story regarding the
>events of 9/11.  Instead, every piece of direct evidence
>that comes to light suggests Washington itself as being the
>perpetrator.  And they were always the primary suspect, as
>they are the only ones who have gained from the event.  The
>article below reviews this evidence, bringing in
>considerable new material that I haven't seen before.  It
>covers a broader canvas than Michael Ruppert's revelations,
>and has perhaps a stronger ring of credibility.  You might
>find this article worth sharing with others.
>In matrix reality, Bin Laden made War On America - and since
>then "fighting terrorism" has been the overriding motive
>behind every US action.  It's an easy story for people to
>follow, as it parallels the script of typical Hollywood
>action thrillers.  And fiction it is... designed to
>distract, like the white gloves of a magician.  Meanwhile,
>the real action proceeds off camera.
>911 was a grand coup.  In a minor coup, some General takes
>over the government of a single country.  In a Grand Coup
>the entire world order is transformed. The whole
>Enlightenment heritage has been abandoned: constitutional
>government, civil liberties, balance of powers, government
>accountability.  International law has been abandoned, and
>national sovereignty is becoming a subject for nostalgia
>buffs.  Police state legislation has been passed not just in
>the USA, the alleged target of "terrorism", but throughout
>the West, in the so-called "modern democracies".  In the EU,
>the official definition of "terrorism" now includes any
>civil disobedience whose objective is to "change the
>economic system".
>This was a Global Grand Coup, with historic significance on
>a par with the fall of Rome, the Industrial Revolution, or
>the birth of Christianity.  It marks the beginning of a new
>Era, what right-wingers call The New World Order.  In some
>sense, we are simply seeing capitalism finally forced to
>show its true face.  In another sense, which amounts to the
>same thing, we are seeing Hitler's vision of a Thousand Year
>Reich being finally realized by the same crowd that funded
>fascism in the first place.
>Perhaps my words seem a bit extreme.  If so, that's because
>we are so far only seeing the establishment of new
>infrastructures, and the propagation of new mythologies.  It
>won't become obvious where this is all leading until it's
>too late.  And then most of us will be persuaded to blame
>some outside cause, most likely some version of "terrorism".
>The media matrix reality is the hypnotic trance that
>seduces the public frog into tolerating the rising
>temperature in the simmering pot.
>What would it take for people to wake up?  What would be the
>form of a real Red Pill?
>may the power be with you,
>Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 18:30:02 -0700
>From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Organization: http://www.apfn.org/old/apfncont.htm
>Subject: Re: Who was behind the September eleventh attacks?
>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: [APFN] Presentation by Thierry Meyssan
>Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 19:01:01 -0500
>From: The Webfairy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Presentation by Thierry Meyssan (author of the book 11
>septembre 2001: l’Effroyable imposture, Paris: Editions
>Carnot, 2002)
>Who was behind the September eleventh attacks?
>We present below a transcript of the presentation given by
>Thierry Meyssan on 8 April 2002 at the Zayed Center in Abu
>Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), at a gathering organized under
>the auspices Arab League and attended by the diplomatic
>corps and the international press corps. This presentation
>was followed by questions and answers, which are in the
>process of being transcribed and translated.
>Your Highness, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
>In the first minutes following the first attack on the World
>Trade Center, officials suggested to the media that the
>person behind the attacks was Osama bn Laden, the epitome of
>Muslim fanaticism. Not long after, the recently appointed
>director of the FBI, Robert Mueller III, designated nineteen
>kamikazes by name and mobilized all the means at the
>disposal of his agency to track down their accomplices. The
>FBI thus never undertook any investigation but, instead,
>organized a man hunt, which, in the eyes much of the United
>States public, quickly took on the appearance of an Arab
>hunt. This reached such a pitch that people were incited to
>attack - even kill - Arabs whom they naively considered
>collectively responsible for the attacks.
>There was no investigation by Congress, which, at the
>request of the White House, renounced exercising its
>constitutional role, supposedly in order not to adversely
>affect national security. Nor was there investigation by any
>media representatives, who had been summoned to the White
>House and prevailed upon to abstain from following up any
>leads lest such inquiries also adversely affect national
>If we analyze the attacks of September the eleventh, we
>notice first off that there was much more to them than the
>official version acknowledges.
>    1.We know about only four planes, whereas at one point it
>was a question of eleven planes. Further, an
>examination of the insider-trading conducted in relation to
>the attacks shows put-option speculative trading in the
>stock of three airline companies: American Airlines, United
>Airlines and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
>2. The official version does not include the attack on the
>White House annex, the Old Executive Office Building (called
>the "Eisenhower Building"). Yet, on the morning of the
>eleventh, ABC television broadcast, live, pictures of a fire
>ravaging the presidential services building.
>3. Neither does the official version take into account the
>collapse of a third building in Manhattan World Trade Center
>complex, independently of the twin towers. This third
>building was not hit by a plane. However, it, too, was
>ravaged by a fire before collapsing for an unknown reason.
>This building contained the world's biggest secret CIA
>operations base, where the Agency engaged in economic
>intelligence gathering that the military-industrial lobby
>considered a waste of resources that should have been
>devoted to strategic intelligence gathering.
>If we look closely at the attack against the Pentagon, we
>notice that the official version amounts to an enormous lie.
>According to the Defense Department, a Boeing 757, all trace
>of which had been lost somewhere over Ohio, flew some 500
>kilometers (300 miles) without being noticed. It supposedly
>entered Pentagon air space and descended on to the lawn
>surrounding the heliport, bounced off the lawn, broke a wing
>in collision with an electric transformer station, hit the
>façade at the level of the ground floor and first story, and
>was totally consumed by fire, leaving no other traces than
>two dysfunctional black boxes and pieces of passengers'
>It is obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could, for some
>500 kilometers, escape detection by civil and military
>radar, by fighter-bomber planes sent in pursuit of it and by
>observation satellites that had just been activated.
>It is also obviously impossible that a Boeing 757 could
>enter the Pentagon's air space without being destroyed by
>one or more of the five missile batteries protecting the
>When one examines the photographs of the façade, taken in
>the minutes following the attack (even before the Arlington
>civilian fire fighters had time to deploy), one sees no
>trace of the right wing on fire in front of the façade, nor
>any hole in the façade into which the plane could have been
>swallowed up.
>Apparently without the least fear of laying itself open to
>ridicule, the Defense Department declared that the jet
>engines, made out of tempered steel, had disintegrated under
>the shock of the impact - without damaging the façade. The
>aluminum of the fuselage is claimed to have combusted at
>more than 2,500° Celsius within the building and to have
>been transformed into gas, but the bodies of the passengers
>which it contained were so little burned that they were
>later identified from their finger prints.
>Responding to journalists during a press conference at the
>Pentagon, the fire chief claimed that "no voluminous debris
>from the aircraft" had remained, "nor any piece of the
>fuselage, nor anything of that sort". He declared that
>neither he nor his men knew what had become of the aircraft.
>Close examination of the official photographs of the scene
>of the attack, taken and published by the Defense
>Department, shows that no part of the Pentagon bears any
>mark of an impact that could be attributed to the crash of a
>Boeing 757.
>One must acknowledged the evidence: it is impossible that
>the attack against the Pentagon on September 11, killing 125
>persons, was carried out by a jet airliner.
>The scene of the attack was thoroughly disturbed on the
>following day by the immediate launch of new construction
>work, with the result that many of the elements necessary to
>reconstruct what had happened are missing. The elements that
>do remain, however, converge in a single hypothesis that it
>is not possible to prove with certainty.
>An air traffic controller from Washington has testified
>seeing on radar an object flying at about 800 kilometers per
>hour, moving initially toward the White House, then turning
>sharply toward the Pentagon, where it seemed to crash. The
>air traffic controller has testified that the
>characteristics of the flight were such that it could only
>have been a military projectile.
>Several hundred witnesses have claimed that they head "a
>shrill noise like the noise of a fighter-bomber", but
>nothing like the noise of a civilian aircraft.
>Eye-witnesses have said that they saw "something like a
>cruise missile with wings" or a small flying object "like a
>plane carrying eight or twelve persons".
>The flying object penetrated the building without causing
>major damage to the façade. It crossed several of the
>building rings of the Pentagon, creating in each wall it
>pierced a progressively bigger hole. The final hole,
>perfectly circular, measured about one meter eighty in
>diameter. When traversing the first ring of the Pentagon,
>the object set off a fire, as gigantic as it was sudden.
>Huge flames burst from the building licking the façades,
>then they shrank back just as fast, leaving behind a cloud
>of black soot. The fire spread through a part of the first
>ring and along two perpendicular corridors. It was so sudden
>that the fire protection system could not react.
>All these testimonies and observations correspond to the
>effects of an AGM[air to ground missile]-86C of the third
>(most recent) generation of CALCM [conventional air launched
>cruise missile -- see picture at:
>equipped with depleted uranium warheads and guided by GPS
>[global positioning system]. This type of missile, seen from
>the side, would easily remind one of a small civilian
>airplane, but it is not a plane. It produces a shrill
>whistle comparable to that of a fighter-bomber, can be
>guided with enough accuracy to be directed through a window,
>can pierce the most resistant armor and can set off a fire -
>independent of its piercing effect - that will generate heat
>of over 2,000° Celsius.
>This type of missile was developed jointly by the Navy and
>the Air Force and is fired from a plane. The missile used
>against the Pentagon destroyed the part of the building
>where the new Supreme Naval Command Center was being
>installed. Following the attack, the Navy Chief of Staff,
>Admiral Vernon Walters, failed to show up in the crisis room
>of the National Military Joint Intelligence Center when the
>other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff reported there.
>Instead, he abruptly left the Pentagon.
>Who, then, could have fired such a missile on the Pentagon?
>The answer was given by the off-the-record revelations of
>Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, and by Karl Rove,
>senior advisor to the president, to journalists from the New
>York Times and the Washington Post. Eighteen days later,
>these men discounted the veracity of the information they
>had given the journalists, claiming that they had been
>speaking under the stress of great emotion.
>According to those close to George W. Bush, in the course of
>the morning, the Secret Service received a telephone call
>from those behind the attacks, apparently in order to make
>demands. To give credence to their demands, the masterminds
>revealed the secret codes giving access to the secure
>telephone lines available to the president for secure
>communication with the various intelligence agencies and
>services as well as for access to the nuclear arsenal. In
>fact, only a very few persons with the highest security
>clearances, in the top ranks of the government, could have
>had these codes. It follows that at least one of the persons
>behind the attacks of September 11 has a top government
>post, either civilian or military.
>To give credence to the fable of Islamic terrorists, the
>United States authorities invented kamikazes.
>Although it would have been possible for a well organized
>group of persons to bring fire arms into commercial air
>liners, the kamikazes apparently used cardboard cutters as
>their only weapons. They are said to have learned to pilot
>Boeing 757s and 767s in the space of several hours of
>simulator training, becoming better pilots than
>professionals. This mastery allowed them to carry out
>complex in-flight approach maneuvers.
>The Justice Department has never explained how it
>established the list of the kamikazes. The airline companies
>have furnished the exact number of passengers in each plane,
>and the passenger lists, incomplete, do not mention the
>persons who boarded at the last minute. In checking the
>these lists, one notices that names of the kamikazes are not
>on them and that only three passengers are not identified
>for flight 11 and only two for flight 93. It is thus
>impossible that 19 kamikazes boarded. Further, several of
>those listed as kamikazes have turned up, alive. The FBI
>nonetheless maintains that the high-jackers have all been
>definitively identified and that complementary information
>such as birth dates makes it improbable that they could be
>confused with persons of the same name. For those who might
>doubt this, the FBI has a ridiculous proof: whereas the
>planes burned and the twin towers collapsed, the passport of
>Mohammed Atta was miraculously found intact on the smoking
>ruins of the World Trade Center.
>The existence of high-jackers, whether these or others, is
>confirmed by telephone calls made by several passengers to
>members of their families. Unfortunately, these
>conversations are known to us only by hearsay and have not
>been published, even in the case of those that were
>recorded. Thus, it has been impossible to verify that they
>were actually made from a particular cell phone of from a
>telephone on board. Here, too, we are asked to take the FBI
>at its word.
>Further, it was not indispensable to have high-jackers to
>carry out the attacks. The Global Hawk technology, developed
>by the Air Force, makes it possible to take control of a
>commercial airliner regardless of the intentions of its
>pilot(s) and to direct it by remote control.
>There remains the case of Osama bin Laden. If it is generally
>admitted that he was a CIA agent or collaborator during the
>war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, the current
>version of events claims that he turned coat and became
>public enemy number one of the United States. This story
>does not bear up under scrutiny either. The French daily le
>Figaro revealed that last July, Osmam bn Laden was a patient
>at the American hospital in Dubai, where he was visited by
>the head of CIA regional office. CBS television in the
>United States has revealed that, on September 10, Osama bn
>Laden was undergoing dialysis at the Rawalpindi military
>hospital, under the protection of the Pakistani army. And
>the renown French journalist Michel Peyrard, who was a
>prisoner of the Taliban, has recounted how, last November,
>Osama bn Laden was living openly in Jalalabad while the
>United States was bombing other regions of the country. It
>is difficult to believe that the greatest army in the world,
>come to Afghanistan to arrest him, was unable to do so,
>while the mollah Omar was able to escape from United States
>military force on a moped.
>In view of the elements that I have just presented, it
>appears that the attacks of September can not be attributed
>to foreign terrorists from the Arab-Muslim world - even if
>some of those involved might have been Muslim - but to
>United States terrorists.
>The day after the attacks of September 11, United Nations
>Security Council Resolution 1368 acknowledged "the inherent
>right of individual or collective self-defense in accordance
>with the Charter", calling on "all States to work together
>urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers
>and sponsors of these terrorist attacks and stresses that
>those responsible for aiding, supporting or harboring the
>perpetrators, organizers and sponsors of these acts will be
>held accountable".
>If one wishes to heed the call of the Security Council, to
>enforce Resolution 1368 and to punish those who really are
>guilty, the only way to accurately identify the guilty
>parties is to set up a commission of inquiry whose
>independence and objectivity are guaranteed by the United
>Nations. This would also be the only way to preserve
>international peace. In the meantime, Your Highness,
>Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, the foreign military
>interventions of the United States of America are devoid of
>any basis in international law, whether it be their recent
>intervention in Afghanistan or their announced interventions
>in Iran, Iraq and in numerous other countries.
>Democrat Implies Sept. 11 Administration Plot
>By Juliet Eilperin -  Washington Post Staff Writer
>Friday, April 12, 2002; Page A16
>The Threat of Corporate Power
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