Title: Re: politics and agriculture
Dear List,
This is note back from my cousin in England to whom I forward many of the political postings.
He is a retired rural Bobby outside Exeter.
I for one will  miss having Jane do the selecting of OFF post for me.
I sure hope Allan doesn't follow suit.

Note he references the passing on of my Aunt Cal to CJD, which I have not shard with you.
On the CWD front the DNR will tell us Monday night
how many deer they will extricate and over what an area.

In the Light of the Moon & the Love of us all.

From: "Herbert Piper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 14:28:57 +0100
To: "Mark & Linda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Peace & Understanding

Dear Mark & Linda,

   With reference to your latest mail entitled "What's in a Word".   I could not help but refer back to some of your previous, such as the item on the differences between the Rural and Urban way of life in America and the way the Urban population perceive the Rural way of life with total lack of understanding.   This is also very evident over here at the moment, with a Labour Government (Urban based) having a total lack of understanding and respect for the Rural way of life.
   All this, in turn, refers to your mail "A Prayer for America" by Congressman Dennis J Kucinich; Prophecy of The Seventh Fire & the Ojibwa; in which the lack of understanding between peoples seems to be the basis of most of the worlds troubles.
The three words which seem to appear in all of them, are Love, Honour and Respect, and if only every nation down to the last member of those nations could get to grips with that, we would have far less trouble if not absolute peace.
   However, whilst people (Town & Country), in America, England & other nations cannot respect each others way of life, there is very little hope of one nation understanding and respecting another nations way of life.   Let us hope that each country can firstly Honour and Respect their own subjects way of life and stop pitting one against the other, then move on to adopting this new found peace with their neighbours, thereby slowly but surely spreading peace around the world.    This is all a pipe dream I am afraid, as Greed (mainly in Politics and Business) seems to prevail over everything else.

   The one good thing about Earth is that Nature is the real ruler.    Whatever wealth man can acquire in his very short time here, he has to leave behind.   Whatever he tries to do to change the world, when man has gone, Nature will reclaim in a very short space of time.

   We were so sorry to hear the news about Caroline, again, so soon after the article by Mark Purdey which you had sent me in February on BSE and CJD.

   We hope you are both keeping well and life on the farm is enjoyable if not necessarily easy.    Did you ever try making Clotted Cream ?

   Take care and God Bless,
                                Herb & Chris

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