Yup, that is exactly what the IMF and World Bank had in mind. That is why
the Asian countries have never really recoverd because the 2 organizations
took over the whole country.  They want to prevent too much growth and keep
the countries in lots of debt, so that ensures the US has less competition.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Merla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2002 11:11 AM
Subject: OFF: Brits: What do you think of Greg Palast?

> Brits:
> I recently received an email with a partial rendition of an interview of
> Greg Palast
> (author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy) on the Alex Jones Radio
> Talk
> Show.  The accusations were strong that there was a deliberate plan by
> the IMF,
> World Bank to bribe public officials in developing counties, wreck their
> countries
> and take over Economy, Water, Agriculture, Enron being an IMF tool and
> Clinton
> and GWB involved.  But the gossipy libelous tone bothered me.  Can you
> speak to this?
> What is the credibility of these men?  Is this kind of sensationalism a
> big part of
> the British culture, an attempt  at "news-entertainment" or is this just
> tongue-in-cheek
> gallows humor?  It's so different from the NGO-type tone. It's like Mike
> Moore,
> whom I have not read yet. The URL is...<www.INFOWARS.COM>  Greg Palast
> is at the bottom of the page.
> Merla

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