
Sharon and Wayne McEachern

"Expressing the Light"


"A Ministry Dedicated to the Divine Process"


"Light Expression Essences"


"A Divine Program for Healing and Transformation"


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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt educational organization
www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace  Era of Peace Welcome Page
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; FAX: 520-886-4897; PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717; Phone: 520-885-7909.
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       The 5th Dimension vibrates with a frequency of Light that transcends the discord and maladies we are experiencing on Earth. The mutated frequencies of disease, poverty, war, corruption, greed, hatred, suffering, pain, violence, death as we know it and every other human miscreation cannot be sustained in the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Light.
       Since the dawn of the New Millennium, a very elaborate Divine Plan has been unfolding step-by-step involving the God Selves of all Humanity and the entire Company of Heaven. The plan has assisted in preparing Humanity for the moment when the Earth and all her life will be ready to receive the 5th Dimensional Patterns of Perfection from the Causal Body of God that will result in the tangible manifestation of Heaven on Earth. This is that moment!
       The Spiritual Hierarchy is beseeching us from the very core of their Beings to listen to the inner promptings of our God Selves. Every awakening Lightworker has been prepared to assist at some level in the fulfillment of this vital phase of the Divine Plan. We are being asked to listen to our God Selves and to respond with courage, trust, willingness and confidence. We must not allow our manipulative human egos to prevent us from fulfilling our facet of this glorious Divine Plan with thoughts of lack, limitation, insecurity, failure consciousness, unworthiness or any of the other ploys our egos use to prevent us from accomplishing our Divine Missions.
       In order to fulfill this critical facet of the Divine Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy has once again asked us to hold the Annual World Congress On Illumination in Washington, DC, during the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather within the embrace of the Immaculate Heart of Divine Government August 17-22, 2002.
       In order to accomplish this miraculous activation, GOD NEEDS A BODY. For the Light of God to accomplish something in the physical plane, the Light must flow through the Divinity in the heart of someone abiding in the physical plane.
       It is not a coincidence that the events of September 11 have evoked unprecedented patriotism in the hearts of Americans at this crucial time. As Americans rekindle the joy, pride and love in their hearts for this country, the Light of God is flowing through their Heart Flames into Washington, DC. That activity of Light is preparing a powerful forcefield of unmanifest Divine Potential. That forcefield will greatly assist with the fulfillment of the phase of the Divine Plan we are now being called upon to help with by our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven. 
       The Spiritual Hierarchy has asked those of us at the New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc., to send forth a clarion call to Lightworkers all over the world to inspire them to come to Washington, DC, to serve as surrogates on behalf of Humanity and as Instruments of God in activating the 5th-Dimensional Matrix and Archetypes for Divine Government.
       Those of us gathered at the Sixteenth Annual World Congress On Illumination in Washington, DC, will create a Chalice of Light through the unification of our Heart Flames. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will pour to activate the 5th-Dimensional Matrix and Archetypes for Divine Government in the physical world of form. 
       The more Lightworkers who respond to their Heart's Call and come to the World Congress in Washington, DC, to serve as the Heart, Head and Hands of God on behalf of ALL Humanity, the more successful the activation will be.
       Often our human egos manipulate us into believing that we are just one small soul out of billions. What difference can one person possibly make? Well, that  illusion is designed to prevent us from trusting our God Selves and from fulfilling the part of the Divine Plan we have been preparing for aeons of time to accomplish.
       In Truth, you are a magnificent, multifaceted, multidimensional reflection of our Father-Mother God. You are a radiant Sun expressing ALL of the various frequencies of Divinity pulsating in the Causal Body of God. You are a God or Goddess standing on the threshold of the greatest leap in consciousness ever experienced in any System of Worlds. One tiny Ray from the Sun that you are is projected into the physical realm to sustain a physical body for your Earthly learning experience.
       When you join together with other Lightworkers who have the Divine Intent of serving as surrogates on behalf of Humanity and as Instruments of God, your God Self takes full dominion of your Earthly vehicles and the full-gathered momentum of your Sun radiates through your Heart Flame to accomplish your unique facet of the Divine Plan. The intensity of that Light is unfathomable.
       When the Light of your Sun blends with the Light of the Suns of the other Lightworkers who have gathered with you, it expands exponentially. Through the unified Heart Flames, the Light of a thousand Suns is projected into the physical plane of Earth to accomplish the Divine Plan and to assist in awakening the rest of Humanity. Don't ever underestimate yourself. You are a wondrous Child of God, and ALL that our Father-Mother God has is yours.
       For those of you who do not feel the Heart Call to come to Washington, DC, to participate in the Sixteenth Annual World Congress On Illumination, KNOW that you still have an important role to play in the fulfillment of this phase of the Divine Plan. Listen to your heart, and ask your God Self to reveal to you how you can be the most effective Instrument of God during this momentous event.
       For Those of You Who Feel the Heart Call To Attend the Sixteenth Annual World Congress On Illumination...Thank you for listening to your Inner Heart Call and for volunteering to participate in this critical phase of the Divine Plan. You have been preparing to fulfill your part of this glorious mission for literally aeons of time, and you already have everything you need within to succeed God Victoriously. Your physical presence and the wonder of your Sacred Heart are all that are needed to create the Chalice of Light through which the Light of God will flow to permanently activate the 5th-Dimensional Matrix and Archetypes for Divine Government on Earth.
       Our Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven are flooding you and your loved ones with Divine Love, Abounding Joy, Limitless Abundance and Supreme Gratitude for your willingness to expend your time, energy and money to fulfill your part of this incredible project. KNOW that whenever you open your heart in service to God and ALL life on this sweet Earth, the floodgates of Heaven open in support of your Divine Plan. Your life will never be the same again. This will be a life-transforming event for you, and when you return to your home, you will have a new level of understanding about who you are and why you have come to Earth during this unprecedented Cosmic Moment.
       The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth have asked that the World Congress On Illumination be a Celestial experience for the participants. The desire of the Company of Heaven is for Humanity to get a glimpse of the true meaning of Heaven on Earth. We create our own realities, so come to this Sacred Conclave knowing that through the Presence of God pulsating in your heart, YOU can create the perfection of Heaven on Earth. Then take that Divine Truth back to your sphere of influence and know you can create the glory of Heaven on Earth wherever you abide on the face of the Earth.
       Buoyant, joyous energy, vibration and consciousness are imperative in order for us to fulfill the Divine Plan of the World Congress. We will have wonderful activities of Light designed specifically to maintain that state of Being. We will all experience the elation, bliss, ecstasy, wonder and awe of wonderful musicians, illumined teachers, music concerts, singing, sacred dance, visualizations, meditations, play, fun, laughter, communion other Lightworkers, sharing, friendship and the Peace of the Great Solar Quiet.
       To ensure your space, please send in the registration form as soon as possible. It is located on our website or you may contact us through the information listed on the top of this page.
Website: www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace: 


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