Wednesday, May 15, 2002  5:15 A.M.

Hi all,

I was away for a week in Spokane in rehearsals for the Verdi "Requiem."
I had never done it and it was quite glorious.  I came home with an
upgraded hard drive 9.1 operating system and 4.7 netscape communicator
and I'm having trouble getting around in my Mac now.  I have 894 emails
and I need to do something to clear out, but I can't find the place on
my harddrive to do that now.  Keep laughing!  I used to go
harddrive-system folder-preferences-netscape users-merla.  I can't find
anything like that now.  At least I have a lot more memory!

Yesterday we prepared three more French intensive beds and I sprayed
potentized 500 on the BD compost before we turned it into the top of the
bed.  I sang my "Om namo arihantanum..." over it and planted arugula,
red mustard and red orach starts, and purple bunching onion starts that
I had raised from seed.  The garden looks great, but there is so much to
do.  We have started putting tomatoes in the ground in one of our
coldframes and another coldframe is full of starts.  My perennial beds
are very sad as one or several of the dogs (4 Golden Retrievers) have
been digging for pocket gophers in them.  Our one-strand electric wires
from our NZ game fence don't keep them out of the beds and I hate
strong-arm training.  I guess I need to fence every single bed on this
place, but I don't have the time or money.  How can we enjoy the flowers
behind a fence?

I am saving all the comments on compost tea and preps.  I have missed
the thread and none of the comments means anything to me when trying to
read all of them at once when I don't have time to sit down and think
about them.  I don't have the focus to stir the compost tea I have in my
barrel and I need to go out and at least smell it.

I am intrigued with the flowforms.  I would like to have one, but don't
have the money to buy one.  The man who sells them won't even send me a
picture of one because I am a ceramic artist, I guess, and he's afraid I
will just copy it in clay.  I understand his position on this so I'll
just forego that too.  I'd love to know what flowforms are available and
to be able to recognize which one all of you who have them are talking
about.  I have seen the one at Rudolf Steiner College and there is a
sketch of one in the "On-line Class."

I have a whole list of things I need to do today for the road project,
the garden, the house, the computer, the proposed new herb bed.  I'll
never get to all of them.

I just wanted to check in and say hello to you all.  I hope I get
oriented and back into the swing of the list/serve soon.  I'm going to
get off two other list/serves and just stick with this one!

Best wishes,


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