At an Emerson College course in 1996 I was given a table copied from Applied
Biodynamics no 7 (Spring 1994) with the following information:

Place prep in a glass container with one litre of rainwater, stir for 5
mins, immerse seeds for one hour and then sow out.

500 for chard, spinach
502 for grasses and rye
503 for alfalfa, linseed, clover, beans, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage,
collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard, peas, radish and turnip
504 for barley
505 for lettuce
507 for wheat, maize, beets, carrots, celery, celeriac, chicory, cucumbers,
leek, melons (cantaloupe), onions, peppers, pumpkins, scallions and
tomatoes;  perhaps also aubergines, garlic, squash and watermelon.
Barrel Compost for sunflowers
BC/water/whole milk (1:4:5), (? stir 5 mins), let stand 24 hours, stir
another 5 mins before use, as an alternative for beets and carrots.

Haven't tried it myself, hope it helps.
                                      Tony N-S.

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