Allan, here is your answer regarding elephants vs ruminants.


"Ruminant mammals, such as cattle and sheep, have four separate stomach 
chambers to break plants down into the nutrients they need. But elephants 
have a simpler, less efficient digestive system."


"The digestive system of the elephant is not something special in structure. 
In fact, it is very similar that of any ordinary mammal, except in size and 
in the areas of the stomach and the intestines. The other key components of 
the digestive system, such as the liver and the pancreas, are of the 
ordinary mammalian type and are only distinguished by their large size. It 
is by taking a look at the elephant's digestive system that we can 
appreciate how vital they are as a super-keystone species.

"The digestive process begins with the entrance of food in the mouth.  Quite 
interesting to observe is the size of the elephant's mouth.  They have a 
relatively small mouth for the size of their body, which consequently cannot 
be opened widely.  To aid in the initial digestive process, there are 
well-developed salivary glands in the mouth, along with the mucous glands 
present in the short esophagus.  Together they help to lubricate the coarse 
vegetation of the elephant's diet.

"The simplicity of the elephant's digestive system is illustrated in part by 
the stomach.  The stomach is a simple sac that is oriented almost 
vertically.  It is of an unusual cylindrical shape, with the middle region 
being partly glandular.  Unbelievably, not much digestion takes place in the 
stomach, but it acts in the capacity of storage.

"The intestines of the elephant further distinguish them from other animals. 
The intestines of an African bull elephant can achieve an incredible length 
of up to 19 metres.

"The diet of the elephant is primarily made up of vegetation.  As a result 
of this diet, the elephant's digestive system requires the function of 
fermentative digestion of cellulose through the action of bacteria.  This 
takes place at the junction of the small and large intestines where there is 
a huge sacculated (divided into many smaller divisions) caecum.  The 
products of digestion are absorbed through the relatively thin and 
vascularized (containing many vessels/ducts) walls of the caecum.

"With the remaining products of digestion passing through, the intestine is 
now largely concerned with the consolidation of the feces and the absorption 
of water.  The fecal matter takes on the form of boluses, each the shape of 
a short cylinder whose dimensions reflect those of the rectum.  Scientists 
sometimes use the feces to judge the size of the elephant producing them, 
since the feces usually retain their shape after falling to the ground.  
Another useful topographical reference point when measuring the size of 
elephants can be obtained by observing the anal flap (the distinctive fold 
of skin covering the anus)

"The fecal matter of the elephant is vital to the position of the elephant 
as a super-keystone species.  Although they may consume much vegetation, not 
much of it is broken down in the process of digestion.  As a result seeds 
and other vegetation pass though in a relatively untouched state, to the 
benefit of dung beetles and birds who feed off this nutrient-laden fecal 

(BA Zoology)

From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Zoo doo. Sure. Elephant doo is great stuff, similar to cow.

Help me here, a serious question 'caue I'm no zoologist: are
elephants ruminants? Cud chewing bliss beasts filled with beneficial
micro-organisms?  -Allan

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