----- Original Message . I gathered some slugs (quite a few) into a bottle of alcohol and, absent minded, left them on the front porch for a couple of months in the sun. When their mates decided to eat all my wifes strawberries and I went looking for the bodies for cremation there was only some brown mucky liquid in the bottle (90 proof spirit so burning this lot is going to be interesting) I just used it as was to make a D8 potency and put that out with a water can - spectacular result!! 
  The slug one worked so well that I decided to try again when we got a few white ants in the back of our house - this time I meant to do it - some termites - these boys are pretty active they ate my 1inch hardwood tomato stakes clean through three times in the one season last year - from a trap box in the yard went into a bottle of water with a bit of solubilised ant dirt from the burrows, put in the sun on the window sill for about a week or so and then potentised up - six different potencies from D8 up to 5mm mixed together and drizzled round once about six weeks ago - this one is looking good at this stage too. These were instrument potencies in both cases so there was no actual substance left the bottles - its not a fungus or disease effect!  Sounds crazy I know but it really worked!
  Cheers all
Lloyd Charles
 Hi all had a slug problem way back in 1994 They were decimating a quarter of an acre of daffodils. So one night at full moon I collected about 100 slugs /snails placed then into a container with about 2 litres of water and let them rot away  until the next full moon . I then diluted this mix one in 10 and sprayed 3 nights in row and repeated the exercise  the following month.
I started to harvesting this crop again in 95 and have been able to do so since with very little slug damage. It will be interesting to see what happens this year.
Cheers Tony Robinson  

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