Do you expect to have a Power Point presentation projector available?

I have just got my talks PP ready.
Looks like a great conference

Allan Balliett wrote:
> <Please x-post!!>
> The  Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference:
> Traditional Nutrition and Restorative Farming
> "The conference that combines "Secrets of the Soil" with "Growing for
> Market" - exploring the wonders of the Universe while  learning to
> make a Better Living by  Living Better! "
>   October 4 - 6, 2002 * Loudoun Co, VA
> Three days of fun, food, and wisdom near the Blue Ridge Mountains.
> Presented with Support from the Blue Ridge Center for Environmental
> Stewardship and the Biodynamic Association of America
> Howard Shapiro, Founding member of Seeds of Change and author of the
> inspirational  Bantam Press book,  "Gardening for the Future of the
> Earth:
> GLEN ATKINSON (Garuda Biodynamic Consulting)  Glen spoke for us in
> Charles Town, WV a  couple of years back. Many people who attended
> that event have already signed up for this conference for a chance to
> spend more time listening to the  wisdom of this prominent New
> Zealand progressive biodynamic practitioner. " His interest has been
> mostly focused towards developing Steiner's Biodynamic agriculture
> and medical indications using his understanding of traditional
> Astrology. This has lead to a simple yet innovative theory and
> philosophy as a basis for many practical activities, which take the
> form an astrological and biodynamic horticultural consulting
> business, using a specially developed homeopathic essences system to
> bring out the best in both people and plants."  from his web page
> ( Put succinctly, Glen will teach you how to
> make homeopathic remedies of Steiner's preps that will make your
> agricultural prep applications faster and more effective.
> Dr. ELAINE INGHAM (Soil Foodweb Inc)  Leading researcher in methods
> of enhancing the life in the soil to the benefit of the crops growing
> in it and the people eating those crops. All the buzz about compost
> tea has come from Elaine's work and evangelism.
> MARK SHEPARD Mark has much practical experience in developing
> perennial food systems (tree crops) for both animals and the human
> community.
> MARK PURDEY  A tireless researcher, Mark is an organic dairyman from
> the U.K. who has found the real source of Mad Cow disease. What he
> has discovered will both relieve you and terrify you. Mark was the
> recipient of  ACRES USA's Lifetime Achievement Award in 2001.
> WILL WINTER  A featured speaker at last year's ACRES USA conference
> and a leading writer and speaker on holistic animal health
> JERRY BRUNETTI,  (Agri-Dynamics) Maximizing pasture health and human health.
> HUGH COURTNEY, (The Josephine Porter Institute) Hugh makes most of
> the quality  BD preps used in America. Brewer of the Pfeiffer field
> spray and compost starter. He will teach you how - - and WHY! - - to
> use them!
> Dr. JAMES DeMEO, (Orgone Biophysical Research Lab) Author of
> "Saharasia." Leading researcher with the Reich Cloudbuster
> HUGH LOVEL (Union Agricultural Institute) America's foremost
> biodynamic teacher, author of  A Biodynamic Farm for Growing Healthy
> Vegetables and America's leading practitioner of Cosmiculture,
> REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE FEE $125 for full-paid pre-registration.
> $150 at the door. The conference is located 70 miles from Washington
> DC and 20 minutes from Dulles Airport. To make reservations: Call
> (540) 668-6165 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Late
> breaking information at our web page:
> (still under construction at the
> time of this announcement)
> OPENINGS STILL EXIST FOR Workstudy exchange for  Conference Fees !!!
> The Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic Food and Farming Conference
> 36824 Pinehill Lane, Purcellville, VA 20132 (540) 668-6165
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Garuda Biodynamics - for BD Preps, Consultations, Books & Diagrams
See our web site @

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