I believe that Greg has now embraced the potential of homoeopathy as well.
Steiner asked the Kolisko's to investigate homoeopathic agriculture as early as 1919, Comended them for their work thus far during the Agricultural Course in 1924 and encouraged them to be active in further research work after the Agricultural Course. I believe we still have plenty to learn.
----- Original Message -----
From: mroboz
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: greg willis 60 min. for 500, 501

Hugh-I remember Greg telling me that after exactly 60 min. he saw energy waves emanating from the stirring bucket.  Not before 60, but at 60.  I think that is why he is so keen on the 60 min., 20 min. for BC, etc.  Michael

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