Dave-you are right about those syrphids.  I was not aware of ones with
aquatic immatures.  I checked out a couple of sites and found the same and
more info.  I apologize for jumping the gun before I did the research on
syrphids who don't care about aphids. Michael

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Robison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 23, 2002 9:41 AM
Subject: flies

> At 12:01 PM 7/23/02 -0400, Michael wrote:
> >Dave- immature larvae of syrphid fllies are not aquatic.  Those aquatic
> >larvae in your nettles are therefore not syrphid flies.
> Tell it to the Ohio State Extension service -- that was a quote from their
> brochure.
> I agree that the syrphids I am used to live on plants, collecting
aphids --
> but I am willing to accept that there may be other species.
> ==========================
> Dave Robison

  • flies Dave Robison
    • mroboz

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