This morning I sprayed a 501, nettles, equisetum tea stirred in the Ahrimanic 
stirring machine device.  I must say that I have those little minions of 
Ahriman hard at work in this device and they dare not step out of line when 
they are working here.  The beneficial elementals have a joyous time 
frolicking in the stirring water, eighty gallons flying around suckin' the 
cosmic forces down from heaven.  I applied this elixer on the young tomatoes, 
black raspberries, strawberries, compost yard, and the asparagus, about 
twenty five acres all told.  This evening I followed that with a tea of the 
same base but added 500 and barrel compost plus humate stirred again in the 
device of Ahriman.

I have to harvest about twenty five thousand units of my barrel compost made 
500-508.  I have to figure out storage.  I have to start getting ready to lay 
down the fall manure for more bc and acquire more horns for 500.  
I have been puzzling over this humic acid/humate situation.  Investigations 
made today indicates to me that it is processed from leonardite or lignite 
coal which was made under the influence of freshwater or upland above sea 
level.  Apparently the sea salt is an issue so they stay away from those 
sources.  This material is derived from coal.  I have been using coal dust in 
my barrel compost recipe.  Is there a difference???  They do some process to 
the coal and extract the humate, [propriatary i am told], it is incredibly 
soluable in liquid or powder form.  What happens to the coal dust in the 
composting process?  I will have to do some chromatographs on this.  I would 
also like to do some on different forms of nettles tea, equisetum tea and 
other stirred preps...anybody looking for a job???  Low pay, long hours, hard 
work... but very rewarding.  stirring mad SStorch

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