Dear List Members,
                             I've had an interesting experience with 501 in relationship to an abscess in the nerve canal of my lower jaw. The abscess was on the move towards the jaw hinge and it was time to do something decisive. After a discussion with Glen I started taking some 501. After about four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess returned to the tooth where it started, then climbed up past the tooth and sat just under the skin beside the tooth. It was accutely painfull and demanding to be lanced. I then changed over to Schusseler's cell salt #12, silica 6x and after another four doses at two hourly intervals the abscess disolved and drained away via the lymph system. Perhaps this would be a good system for moving abscesses or tumors that are in inoperable situations.
                               I was later invited to try the same treatment on a dog that had a large abscess on the top of its head. When it headed up and was ready to be released the vet and the owner decided to put the dog down instead.
                               Apart from proving, I believe that any herbal or homoeopathic remedy should only be taken for as long as it is needed. If the condition returns then repeat the treatment. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Hugh Lovel
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: BD Prep 503 for humans

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