I have just graduated from being a back yard gardener on my little one
acre plot of land to something way over my head.  I am in the process of
purchasing 11.5 acres of land in Kentucky (currently growing alfalfa)
and feel overwhelmed for the moment as to where to start in turning this
land into a sustainable farm.  For the last five years I've toyed with
the idea of  having an organic farm and now that I've come this far I'm
not quite sure where to start to achieve a sustainable farm this size
but I do so want to learn.  Are there any organic farmers on this list
from south central Kentucky?

I've been reading books by Gene Logsdon and Eliot Coleman but most of
this stuff I've never tried.  One thing I've learned from my garden is
that plants don't always turn out the same way you read about them.
Although I've had a very successful garden here in Georgia I couldn't
tell you why.  Has anyone ever written a book called Organic Farming for

I've been the posts on this list but you all are way over my head.  I
learn best from hands on experience.  Is there a first step to learn
about biodynamics?  Could anyone tell me how you got started?


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