hi allen , i went there and read about how they make their compost, saw
pictures of a device on a bucket, but no actual instructions on making or
buying one., i'll try calling them tomorrow. check's in the mail this
weekend. p.s.  i never turn my compost, it's too large a job, but build the
windrow carefully , use animal manures and it ages for at least 6 months
before use. will brinton in a past article in the bd journal had a great
article on that.issue. :)sharon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 6:46 AM
Subject: ELAIN INGHAM'S BUCKET CT BREWER was Re: Taking Another Step

> >hi merla, could you share with the rest what link for beginners you have
> >the simple aerator for the 5 gallon bucket.
> http://www.taunton.com/finegardening/pages/g00030.asp
> The above article originally appeared in Tauton's KITCHEN GARDENER
> magazine. I've used the directions here. It works for me. I believe
> that Dan Lynch has expanded on the ideas in this article and that
> it's been working for him (muck bucket-scale)
> It's a great example of just how much Elaine Ingham is willing to
> share with growers, regardless of their income or ambitions. She's
> very motivated to healing the earth from her own background and point
> of view. What if, in the future, every tea brewer was perking a unit
> of BC along with other goodies?
> Please plan to come and support her as she makes her first serious
> foray into progressive biodynamics at the Mid-Atlantic Biodynamic
> Food and Farming Conference, Oct 4-6 in Lovettsville, VA.
> Http://www.gardningforthefuture.com (And thanks to Sharon for
> planning to register in advance!!)
> -Allan

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