The reason I found it unusual is that I have read in
many places that meat (I suppose they meant cooked
meat) should *not* be composted.

I'm not quite sure why this advice was given.

> Sure, waste not want not! That is along with snakes,
> rats, fish heads,
> oyster shells, prawn heads, lobster shells, egg
> shells, telephone
> directories, newspapers, junk mail and anything else
> that is available.
> Cats are a very serious feral animal here. Most
> Permaculture properties
> have a cat trap. Should I ever get off my back side
> and write the book
> on caring for the land I am pressed to do, I may
> call it "One hundred
> and one ways to compost a cat".
> Gil
> Stacey Elin Rossi wrote:
> > Do I have this right, Gil?  You put an occassional
> > dead cat in your compost???

Stacey Elin Rossi

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