----- Original Message -----
From: Allan Balliett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:32 PM
Subject: Peppering

> Glen, Lloyd, et al -
> Over the years I've run into more and more farmers who simply make
> peppers whenever they collect 'enough pests.' They do this without
> concern for celestial aspects. All that have reported to me have been
> successful beyond their expectations.
> Ignoring these good results, as is often the limitation of my own
> logic,  I have to ask if you folks only pepper according to Steiner's
> instructions for planetary position or if you've found that the
> peppers are effective made most any time.
> Thanks
> -Allan
Hi Allan
             I am a novice and my experience limited
Insect peppers made by decomposing the insect rather than burning (this is
in "Agriculture" chapter six) have worked really well for me with no regard
to timing. But small areas treated and the critters only had to move.
Weed peppers - I have made the ash per Steiner or by dowsing for the
appropriate timing - I then apply these when it fits with my field
operations - I use liquid calcium molasses also to deter weeds and will
potentise the spray tank with the ash of the major weed for that paddock,
also do this when I foliar feed.
All of my physical application stuff goes out potentised - D8 for starters -
or I'll dowse it and sometimes go way up the scale - I'm shooting in the
dark here -Glen knows this stuff!! After two years I think I can see some
effects on weeds in crops - do we want total elimination?? If yes then we
better be on the ball to replace those plants with something more desirable
before nature does the job with a tougher weed!!
Arthur Daikin used neat ash of mustard weed down the seeder tube with the
wheat when he planted, the photos of the crop were convincing.
I have used a field broadcaster on silverleaf nightshade and got a
detrimental (to the weed) effect you could see with a 36 hour broadcast.
There are many many variables - Maria Thun advised grinding the ash for a
full hour in the mortar and pestle before potentising, I think the "intent"
of the person doing the work definitely has an effect.
I collect and store material for peppering at every opportunity - bugs and
weed seed are very seasonal and when you want to use a pepper will usually
not be the time to be looking for material to burn or the timing will be
I have wandered away from your original question but hope this is of some
use. I hope Glen and also Barbara or James Hedley will come in on this.
Lloyd Charles

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