FYI, Christy
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, October 06, 2002 11:16 AM
Subject: wind workshop

    I wanted to let you know about a small wind workshop we are having in Boone, North Carolina on Friday & Saturday, Nov.15th & 16th and was hoping you might be able and willing to help us spread the word about it. We have very limited resources for this event and are trying to get the word out electronically as much as possible to folks who may be interested.  I will attach a brochure and a brief description below.  If possible please send to any list serves you may have.  Thanks.

Home-Scale Wind Workshop:  Nov. 15 & 16, Instructor: Mick Sagrillo; Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. topics include: wind assessment, siting,
equipment overview, towers, wind/pv hybrids, system sizing, & how to do it right. For additional information call 828-262-6358 or 6361.  E-mail:

This two day workshop will be lead by one of the world’s leading small scale wind experts.  It will introduce participants to all aspects of wind energy system design & construction.  Topics include: an overview of wind systems, utility intertie & offgrid systems, characteristics of home scale turbines available in the market place today, assessing wind resources, improving wind sites, examples of good and bad siting, estimating power and energy output, tower technology & economics, legal aspects & utility concerns, wind/PV hybrids, system sizing, & how to do it right. Examples of home-scale wind turbines will be on display for all participants to see and touch.  Participants will also receive a comprehensive collection of reading & design materials, product literature & the US Department of Energy’s new publication: Small Wind Electric Systems. A copy of the new Truewinds interactive CD wind map for North Carolina will also be provided to all participants. This map allows the viewer to select any spot in NC and get comprehensive wind data for that location.

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