Well, David and Gil, it is the Bugbear virus but I doubt that either of 
you have it. I got a message with the virus attached which apparently 
came from you, David, the 'from' address was D&S Chamberlain 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  But I knew it hadn't come from envirolink because 
at that time my ISP was blocking mail from there. Anyway that isn't your 

Bugbear replicates itself and sends itself out using 'from' addresses 
which it makes up from addresses on infected systems. If your AV 
software says you haven't got it, then you haven't, but if you want to 
check further go to:

or follow the security alert link from the front page. 
http://securityresponse.symantec.com/ they have full instructions on how 
to use the tool to get rid of the virus


Gil Robertson wrote:

> Hi! David,
> I have been getting mystery emails also. Some are from people I know, 
> but have
> text from some other source. Others are from an unknown source. I am 
> currently
> deleting any that are from an address I do not know. Remember to also 
> empty the
> "trash bin". If you have an address like "aaaa" or "1111" in your 
> address book,
> you will not mass infect others, as the computer will stop and ask you to
> correct the wrong address.
> Gil
> D & S Chamberlain wrote:
>> All: I am receiving virus notices from all over as being sent from my
>> computer. I have scanned my machine twice with the latest updates from
>> Symantec and run the latest fixer from them and nothing shows up 
>> here. Some
>> of the addresses that I have returns from I have never heard of, I am 
>> told
>> that the virus can send my return address from an infected computer.
>> My sincere apologies if by some chance I am spreading the virus, but I do
>> not believe I am.
>> Everyone should update their virus scanners ASAP.
>> David C

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