Hey Chris
Thanks, it will have  me reading for a couple of day's
I be back for more soon.

Per Garp/NH
----- Original Message -----
From: "Trem, Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject: RE: Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic Certification

> I can get a virus from any one, but this information I cant find please!
> Per Garp/NH
> Hello Per Garp/NH,
> Bellow are the certification requirements and Agri-Synthesis(R)web site if
you want more information  http://www.agsyn.com/
> Regards,
> Chris
> >These are the Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamic Certification
> >Requirements for Grapes and Vineyards.  We consider them the toughest in
> >the world.  Agri-Synthesis(R) not only certifies the procedures and
> >practices, we inspect the crop at harvest.  This second level of
> >inspection and assurance is not available through Demeter and we believe
> >is the higher standard of quality and excellence consumers and our
> >clients want.
> >
> >We believe that once people see, experience and understand that
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamicô winegrapes must pass the MOST
> >rigorous certification process of its kind, they will come to rely on
> >the name Agri-Synthesis(R) for complete assurance of only the highest
> >quality and spiritually enriched grapes grown anywhere in the world.
> >
> >** The Agri-Synthesis(R) Biodynamic Certification Standards  **
> >
> >In an effort to maintain the highest level of excellence in biodynamic
> >vineyards and the production of biodynamic grapes, all vineyards and
> >grapes must meet or exceed the standards and requirements listed below
> >in order to be certified as Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamicô
> >grapes or vineyards.
> >
> >In an effort to encourage innovation, implementation and understanding
> >of biodynamic agriculture systems, the standards are kept simple and
> >straightforward.
> >
> >Certification Standards
> >
> >1. The use of ALL of the biodynamic preparations is mandatory.  No
> >exceptions.  All of the field sprays, which are #500, Horn Quartz(tm) and
> >Horn Clay(tm), MUST be applied at least TWICE a year - in the Spring and
> >the Fall.
> >
> >The biodynamic preparations required for certification include the
> >following:
> >   #500 - Horn Manure
> >   #501 - Horn Quartz(tm) or Horn Silica
> >   Horn Clay(tm)
> >   #502 - Yarrow Preparation
> >   #503 - Chamomile Preparation
> >   #504 - Stinging Nettle Preparation
> >   #505 - Oak Bark Preparation
> >   #506 - Dandelion Preparation
> >   #507 - Valerian Preparation
> >   #508 - Equisetum arvense Tea
> >Optional biodynamic preparations and field remedies which are permitted
> >include:
> >   Premix(tm)
> >   Biodynamic Field Starter
> >   Barrel Compost
> >   Horn Basalt(tm)
> >   Horn Sulfur(tm)
> >   Maxsea(tm) or Maxicrop(tm) (BD composted)
> >
> >All preparations must be purchased from a certified producer of these
> >preparations or made on site under the guidance of Agri-Synthesis(R) or
> >its representative.  All growers are encouraged to make as many
> >biodynamic preparations on site as possible.  All traditional biodynamic
> >preparations must be made in accordance with Rudolf Steiner's
> >indications as elucidated in his lectures on agriculture, "Foundations
> >for the Spiritual Renewal of Agriculture."
> >
> >Biodynamic preparations must be stored in acceptable containers.  Ground
> >sprays and compost preparations must be stored in glass jars with cork
> >lids in moist peatmoss.  Larger amounts of ground spray preparations may
> >be kept in glass lined crocks with solid wood or ceramic lids.  Foliar
> >sprays such as Horn Quartz(tm) and Horn Clay(tm) must be stored in sealed
> >glass jars with glass lids and kept in direct north or west sunlight.
> >Cow horns used to make preparations must be from female cows only.  No
> >bull horns are permitted to be used for this purpose.
> >
> >Storing biodynamic preparations in metal containers, in glass containers
> >with metal or plastic lids or in buildings with metal roofs, near high
> >powered A/C electrical lines, transformers or electrical junction boxes,
> >or, stirring preparations in metal containers, near electrical sources
> >or under metal roofs, is not permitted as this degrades the
> >preparations.  Evidence of any of these conditions IMMEDIATELY
> >decertifies the grower and the crop on which the preparations and
> >remedies have been used.
> >
> >2. All growers must start and maintain a biodynamic composting program
> >for their vineyards.  Acceptable source material for biodynamic vineyard
> >compost must be of the highest quality available and is limited to the
> >following ingredients unless otherwise preapproved:
> >    Cow Manure
> >    Horse Manure (without wood chips)
> >    Bird Manure (chicken or turkey)
> >    Grape Pumice
> >    Straw or hay
> >
> >All biodynamic compost piles must be made with the biodynamic
> >preparations #502 - #507 added to the pile when it is made.  All
> >biodynamic compost piles must be covered with a minimum ten inch layer
> >of straw.
> >
> >Special compost formulas are sometimes recommended with the addition of
> >basalt and limestone.  No other mineral amendments are permitted without
> >preapproval by Agri-Synthesis(R).  On occasion, other non-organic
> >amendments may be used, with preapproval, but all amendments must be
> >composted with the biodynamic compost preparations #502- #507 before
> >application to a field or vines.
> >
> >Any soil amendment permitted by a recognized "Organic" certification
> >organization is permitted to be used but it MUST go through the
> >biodynamic composting process prior to being applied to the field.  NO
> >exceptions.
> >
> >A minimum of 5 cubic yards of biodynamic compost per acre MUST be
> >applied for the first three years in vineyards using the
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) Advanced Biodynamic Viticulture(tm) system.  More is
> >better.  Evidence of an ongoing biodynamic composting and application
> >program is sufficient for certification.
> >
> >3. Mechanical/electrical stirring machines and metal containers are
> >prohibited and if used will immediately disqualify the grower from
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) biodynamic certification.  The ONLY approved stirring
> >mechanism is hand stirring in wooden barrels with a wood stirring rod.
> >Any metal containers or stirring rods, or stirring attachments, are
> >prohibited as these degrade the biodynamic preparations.   For larger
> >operations, the use of Flowforms is acceptable under the guidance of
> >Agri-SynthesisÆ as to the setup and use.
> >
> >3. Cover crops must be seeded and maintained in all fields.
> >
> >4. Companion plants and a companion planting program must be in place.
> >
> >5. Pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, with the exception of sulfur,
> >are prohibited.
> >
> >6. Agriculture Calendars are NOT required to be used or followed.
> >Growers are encouraged to consider the seasonal and lunar cycles when
> >conducting any activity in the fields.
> >
> >7. Biodynamic Field Broadcasters or Cosmic Pipes are approved if used in
> >a supplementary manner within a complete biodynamic viticulture program.
> >
> >8. ALL biodynamic programs must be in place for a minimum of six months
> >to qualify for certification.
> >
> >9. Each grower should irrigate in accordance with their standard
> >practices.
> >
> >10. Trellis systems are not covered in this certification program.
> >Whatever trellis system is used is at the discretion of the grower.
> >However, we encourage the use of trellis systems which do not allow the
> >vines to trail on the ground as this encourages fungal growth.
> >
> >11. All pruned canes must be removed from the vineyard and burned, or,
> >shredded and biodynamically composted with horse manure and straw.
> >
> >12. We do not encourage midseason pruning, hedging or tipping however
> >doing so does not disqualify the grower from certification.  Flaming to
> >control weeds under the vines is prohibited.
> >
> >13. Harvesting either by hand or mechanical means is approved.
> >
> >14. All growers must follow the Agri-Synthesis(R) Advanced Biodynamic
> >Viticulture(tm) program of sprays and applications of biodynamic
> >preparations and remedies supplied in the annual vineyard plan prepared
> >by Agri-Synthesis(R) or by the grower with the approval of
> >Agri-Synthesis(R).
> >
> >15. Records must be kept of all applications of biodynamic preparations
> >and remedies and made available for inspection by Agri-Synthesis(R). on
> >request at the time of certification inspection.  Agri-SynthesisÆ will
> >provide a computer program spread sheet for ease of record keeping.
> >
> >Inspection and Certification
> >
> >All grapes are inspected and certified at harvest.  Crops must be
> >disease free to be certified as Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified Biodynamicô.
> >
> >Upon approval, Agri-Synthesis(R) will issue a Certificate of
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) Biodynamic Certification.  When certified, the grower
> >is permitted to use our registered certification trademark on his
> >product and may display a certification trademark at his vineyard.
> >
> >The certification mark, as used by persons authorized by the certifier
> >Agri-Synthesis, Inc., certifies that crops were grown in accordance with
> >the biodynamic viticulture practices specified herein.
> >
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) is not just a certifier of biodynamic farms and
> >vineyards.  We recognize and understand the need for help in the field
> >and consider the teaching aspect of biodynamic certification to be of
> >EQUAL importance to the inspection side.  Therefore, growers may contact
> >Agri-Synthesis, Inc. at any time for advice and are encouraged to attend
> >our grower seminars that are scheduled from time to time throughout the
> >year through the American Biodynamic Association.  Agri-Synthesis(R)
> >recognizes the need for this kind of help and will make itself available
> >as required.
> >
> >Contrary to other certifiers, we believe that a fee of one-half of one
> >percent of the gross sales is unreasonable, burdensome, unnecessary and
> >punitive and the requirement that a grower must open his or her private
> >accounting books to a certifying organization is absurd, an invasion of
> >privacy and repugnant.  Consequently, the fee for Agri-Synthesis(R)
> >Biodynamic Certification is a flat one time yearly fee of $200 to $500,
> >depending on the size of the vineyard.  No other fees are required.
> >
> >Growers must agree to purchase any Agri-Synthesis(R) Certified
> >Biodynamic signs and labels that they require from Agri-Synthesis, Inc.
> >which signs and labels will be provided at a reasonable cost.
> >
> >Agri-Synthesis(R) is the registered trademark of Agri-Synthesis, Inc.,
> >Napa, CA.

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