Only if they start marketing their products in health food stores.

It looks like our friend who used to 'own' failed to 
renew it and one of those sleazo domain name companies now owns it.

This is all my fault, of course. I'm the person who pushed the BDA 
into buying all those years ago. It was a hard 
enough sell to get them to purchase that one domain that I just 
couldn't dream of getting them to buy at that time. 
This was during a big push to make biodynamics 'more commercial,' so 
the .com seemed appropriate. The web was small then. Who could have 

Anyway, I don't feel threatened by this page. Again: trademarks refer 
to controlling a word or phrase within the realm of commerce you are 
directly involved in. Demeter can control the use of the word 
'biodynamic' for describing foodstuffs, but it cannot control the use 
of the word in other areas. They do not own the word period, they 
only own it's use in describing food.



>Where did this site come from? I think Demeter will want to sue 
>these people for illegally using their trademarked name.

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