Compilation 10-01-02: on VACCINATIONS by Christopher Rudy

Here are some key articles on the urgent issue of vaccinations right now:

1. OVERVIEW: Common Sense Uncommon on Vaccinations
2. Patricia Doyle, PhD on Polio link to West Nile Virus
3. Polio Caused by Polio Vaccines à
4. Vaccine-Caused Diseases
5. Smallpox Vaccination Concerns
6. Feds Prepare to Vaccinate Every American
7. Dr. Horowitz on the Profit Motive of Provocateur Bioterrorism


1. OVERVIEW: Common Sense Uncommon on Vaccinations

by Christopher Rudy, Holistic Healer

I've had 3 holistic health centers over the last 25 years. Many of the
health problems I dealt with go back to vaccinations as evident from
electro-diagnostics and classic symptomology profiles. I have fought the
good fight to shift the health care paradigm from "treating disease" to
"building health". Here are some things I've learned about vaccines.

The politics and economics behind vaccines are far more complex than the
science. Three out of the five largest and most profitable corporations in
the world are drug companies. The book, DEATH BY INJECTION by the brilliant
researcher, Eustice Mullins, goes into the profits-before-people mentality
of this disease care industry (called "heath care") in great detail.

Consider that John D. Rockefeller, who began by hawking snake oil out of
the back of wagons, went on to use his oil well profits to finance 1200
medical schools early in the century with pharmacology at the core of the
curriculum (his new "ethical drugs" snake oil)... turning out "ethical"
drug-pushers every since then... and financing legislation that led to a
legal monopoly, with big government enforcement (FDA), that has persecuted
and prosecuted natural healing modalities as the "risky alternative fringe"
every since. Vaccines play a huge role in monopoly medicine that values
control of the market (people) above health.

This last year I was Communications Director for Dr. Len Horowitz who has a
Masters in Public Health from Harvard and is the leading health rights
activist on the vaccines issue. He wrote the definitive expose' on the
vaccine "plot out of hell" in his best-seller called AIDS, EBOLA and
EMERGING VIRUSES. In this book he provides a well-documented paper trail on
the big business collusion with government agencies behind the creation of
the AIDS viruses in America's bio-warfare labs... and then the deployment
through vaccines of those and other genetically engineered cancer
retroviruses. Targeted mostly were homosexuals and blacks (Hepatitis B1
vaccines), but also elderly (flu shots) and children (polio shots).

The AIDS-caused genocide of millions of black Africans by inoculation of
their populations with B1 vaccines via the U.N.'s World Health Organization
is well known by people worldwide. What is less well known, but well
documented, is that the original polio vaccines were seeded with cancer
retroviruses that, like biological time-bombs, would go off when the immune
system of the genotypes targeted was compromised or fell off at middle age.
This is a leading cause behind one-out-of-two adults getting cancer and
one-out-of-three dying from it. Cancer was relatively rare early in this
century. Now it's a half-trillion dollar industry.

Of course this is all "unthinkable" and "unspeakable". It's like saying
that Roosevelt had prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor and Bush had prior
knowledge of 9/11 "to further their military-industrial war agenda". The
parallel is pertinent. Government patriotism (God & Country) has become a
"religion" as has modern medicine; people believe "religiously" in our
government leaders as they do the high priests of medicine with their drug
"sacraments". The average elderly American is a walking pharmacy with 6

Vaccines are a core part of this "BS" (Belief System). From cradle to
grave, American are inundated with official misinformation about the
efficacy, harmlessness and value of vaccines. In reality, vaccines inject
disease organisms into the body along with heavy metals and toxic genetic
poisons that weaken the immune system so the disease organisms will "take
hold". The idea is that the body's immune system will then recognize and
resist those disease invaders.

Unfortunately, Americans hear just enough about the good effect of vaccines
to immunize them against the truth of their greater harm. It's like
chemotherapy where chemicals similar to mustard gas poisons used in World
War I, are injected into a body with the idea that you've got an enemy
within you and the poison is going to kill it hopefully before it kills
you. The unfortunate "collateral damage" is that chemo wipes out the immune
system, which you can't live without. Then people die of "other causes"
than the cancer which the doctors say was "cured". Vaccines have much the
same long-term effect on the immune system.

All studies show that you've got a better chance of living 5 years without
chemo than if you take it. But you rarely here about THOSE studies because
the mainstream media gets most of its money from (1), sponsors of highly
processed, nutrition-stripped and chemical-laced "food", that makes you
eventually sick, and (2), drugs for whatever ails you. Chemo is the primo
drug "profit-center" that all other drug "side effects" lead to. Vaccines
likewise "make a killing" for the big business/big government (Big Brother)
collusion that monopolizes "health care".

With the baby-boom population bulge now hitting the wall of their
mortality, the medical-industrial complex has become bigger than the
military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about. The most
powerful special interests in the world have a vested interest in keeping
common sense uncommon on this subject... for population control and profit.

The intent of the economic and political agenda for reducing population is
well documented in the Rockefeller and Bush Family histories. The Internet
is rife with that history these days. But population control is not just
reducing population. It's also "numbing us down" physically and "dumbing us
down" mentally.

Since the backwards "health care" system focuses on disease treatment
rather than health building, most people have adapted to very low levels of
physical and mental health but "think" they are "healthy" as long as they
don't have a runny nose or feel pain. The consequence is that the masses
are so sick and tired of being sick and tired that they are too sick and
tired to realize-and-resist the "big lie" of a health care system that is
97.5% disease care"... and "making a killing" on the indirect cause of
disease (foodless "food") and it's direct treatment (drugs-per-symptom).

Here is a good example where the big lie of Big Brother is so big and so
bold and so often told that the "sheeple" believe it. The massive deception
of this parasitic system eating like a cancer at the healthy fabric of
America is protected and policed by the FDA where top officers come out of
the food and drug companies they supposedly regulate. It's the old
Machiavellian dialectic with wolves in sheep's clothing keeping the wool
over our eyes while they feast on "lamb chops"... milking our "light"
(consciousness), "life" (vitality), and the fruits of our sacred labor with
many adults losing their life savings to care for disease their last years
rather than enjoy health. This plot out of hell is just plain evil. I've
lost many recovering clients to this sick system through the pressure of
well meaning friends and relatives who want a "real doctor" to take over.
Common sense is uncommon.

People take their health for granted until they lose it. And will then pay
almost anything to get it back. Often it's too late. And the disease care
industry, at it's politically correct core, cares more for your disease
than for your health. It's corporate law that "shareholders come before the
public when profits are at stake." -Red Lion Decision, Shareholders vs.
Henry Ford.

Take the vaccine industry. It's well documented that the Bush Family was
not only heavily involved with the oil industry in Kuwait, behind the 1st
Gulf War, but also with the manufacturers who tested their vaccines on
Governor Bush Jr.'s (Texas) prison inmates, a year before they were
injected into Gulf War soldiers. They had prior knowledge of the effect of
Gulf War Syndrome symptoms BEFORE they inoculated the troops. The result is
hundreds of thousands of diseased vets and their contaminated loved ones.

The biggest fear of the vested minions of the military/medical-industrial
complex is that people will wake up to the dangers of vaccines and
inoculate themselves against this insanity, refusing this threat to our
health and demanding change in the system. Government agencies are gearing
up to inoculate EVERYONE with smallpox vaccines. Under new "anti-terrorism"
laws they will actually make it a federal offense if you don't get your
shot. That of course is under the new "Martial law" guidelines that could
follow from a provocateur biowar attack by insiders in the U.S. government.
As said in the New York Times Op Ed piece following: "If the New World
Order agenda is not realized by the terrorist attacks on America and if
American's don't agree to give up their weapons and relinquish their
sovereignty to the New World Order, the next attack will be the use of
chemical, biological and/or atomic warfare against the American people. The
architects of the New World Order will not hesitate to use as a last resort
an atomic or hydrogen bomb in a major American city." In short, a healthy
skepticism of vaccines and Big Brother is warranted. They've had the
technology the last three years to insert "the chip", an almost microscopic
"microdot", through the needle used for a vaccination. Given a massive fear
campaign with smallpox from whomever, who would question or resist?

Beware the "enemy within the gates".

Christopher Ruby
Holistic Naturopath

PS - other good stuff on vaccines, books, tapes and products to reverse a
vaccine's harmful effects, can be seen at Dr. Horowitz's website via

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