i know about lifeline farms www.lifelinefarm.com , smaller orders through www.azurestandard.com 541-467-2230. what about hawthorne valley? they used to have a sizeable mail order cheese setup and from what i hear they still do occasional mail out for some of it today if you ask nicely. www.hawthornevalleyfarm.com  518-672-7500 . maybe seven stars farm would do mail out too, i think they must do cheese, with all the yogurt they make it's kind of hard to imagine otherwise. again if you want stuff from them, manners help.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2002 12:26 AM
Subject: Biodynamic cheeses

Is anyone familiar with a mail order or online source for biodynamic cheeses?

Thanks, RB

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