Hi! Hugh,
Congratulations in putting your work and your accumulated knowledge into the public 

Are there plans to video and/ or audio the workshop for those of us who live out of 


Hugh Lovel wrote:

> Dear BD List,
> This is a (belated) announcement of a workshop next month in Santa Fe, New Mexico 
>about making rain--a topic we should all learn more about.
> Best,
> Hugh Lovel
> Atmospheric Regeneration
> A Workshop on Restoring Organization to the Atmosphere
> By Hugh Lovel and Lorraine Cahill
> Summary: Two days of radionic training focusing on rainmaking as an environmental 
> I. Scientific background for understanding pattern energy.
> A. Subjective versus Objective. The observer as separate from phenomena.
> B. Subject and Object as One. Our role in creating the reality we inhabit.
> C. Chaos Theory. The Butterfly Effect
> II. Pattern Energy medicine; a survey of pertinent modalities
> A. Homeopathy
> B. Color Therapy
> C. Radionics
> D. Biodynamic Remedies
> III. What is Rain? What causes drought or flood? A participatory discussion
> IV. Some ancient and/or traditional insights into rainmaking.
> A. Eastern Indian
> B. Native American
> C. Traditional Biodynamic
> D. Radionic Methods
> V. Making rain with radionics.
> A. Dowsing workshop. Muscle testing, pendulum and stickplate.
> B. Demonstration of radionic applications. Hieronymus type, Malcolm Rae type.
> C. Audience Participation. Hands on with various instruments.
> VI. Summary, Questions and Answers
> Throughout the industrial age we have poured chemicals into our soils. In like 
>fashion we have poured pollutants into the atmosphere For some time there has been 
>growing awareness that we need to restore the biology of our soils. Organic 
>fertilization is becoming more and more commonplace. But where is there corresponding 
>awareness of the need to restore the vitality of our atmosphere?
> Atmospheric stagnation and degredation is particularly noticable around cities where 
>domes of haze form and cloud formation is weak or non-existent. For example, Chicago 
>and Atlanta are famous for their pollution, which is particularly oppressive because 
>their humidity is high while organization is low. It is common in summer to have 85 
>degree days with 85 percent humidity and virtually no cloud formation. Since clouds 
>are organized atmospheric moisture, when cloud formation is strong humidity declines 
>as the moisture is concentrated in the clouds--at least until showers release enough 
>moisture for a new cycle of evaporation.
> Remedies for lack of organization are not usually clear to most folkss. Nor for that 
>matter is it usually clear what causes of poor cloud formation.
> Often people think if one makes rain in one area a drought will be caused elsewhere. 
>Nothing could be further from the truth. With increasing global temperatures millions 
>of tons more water evaporates from oceans than anytime any time previously in 
>history. This moisture must fall somewhere. When there is a drought in Chad, Sudan 
>and Somalia there are floods in Mozambique and Tanzania. When there is a drought in 
>the Ganges watershed there are floods throughout the Yangtze. Where North America has 
>widespread drought Europe has floods from France to Russia. Were we to restore 
>vitality to the atmosphere and improve the forces that bring the organization to 
>atmospheric moisture that facilitates cloud formation we would make rain locally 
>while preventing floods elsewhere.
> Organic farmers here and there restore life to our soils. The atmosphere has no 
>comparable group of environmentally responsible people working for its healing. This 
>workshop is a call to civic duty consistant with the slogan, Think Globally, Act 
> Contact: Athena Beshur, Bioneers/CHI
> Office Administrator
> Bioneers/Collective Heritage Institute
> 901 W. San Mateo Suite L
> Santa Fe, NM 87505
> 505-986-0366 x113 ,
> 505-986-1644 Fax
> Visit our website at: www.unionag.org

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