feel free to join in !
thanks, gideon.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Munlochy Vigil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 3:46 PM
Subject: The barbed wire wonıt keep contamination in,but it will keep
consultation out

Please read, act, and circulate!

>From the Greenpeace website:

Plotting behind the fence
The barbed wire wonıt keep contamination in, but it will keep consultation

Tue 22 October 2002

Jim Thomas woke up to another sleepy day in Brussels, but the police were up
long before. The dayıs mission ­ protecting the powerful GE seed industry
from protestors while they plot the contamination of the European food
supply. Jim tells the story from this side of the fence.

Sometimes Greenpeace uncovers the bad guys, and sometimes they uncover

This rainy Monday morning a Greenpeace supporter in Brussels tipped us off
that the European Seed Industry was meeting to discuss genetically
engineered seed - not that it was difficult to tell! When we arrived to
check it out we discovered an entire Brussels street had been cordoned off
with razor wire. Armoured vans and over 110 police surrounded the Crowne
plaza hotel with the sort of protection usually afforded to ministers and
heads of states. So what exactly was going on inside?

"Its a meeting about the transgenic seeds," explained a friendly policeman
handing out Belgian waffles to his troops manning the barbed wire "They are
worried that Greenpeace will find out."

There was a time when the seed industry was about providing farmers and
gardeners with the seeds they needed to grow the food people wanted. Today's
seed industry however is another arm of the genetic engineering industry and
is made to dance to their tune.

The world's largest seed companies are now either owned by GE companies
(such as Du Pont's Pioneer Seeds) or are themselves GE companies such as
Monsanto, Bayer and Syngenta. First they tried to mix GE ingredients with
the food unlabelled. Then they tried unsuccessfully to convince farmers and
consumers to support GE crops. Now they moving on to plan C: Contamination.

Plan C: Contamination.

"The real strategy is to introduce so much genetic pollution that meeting
the consumer demand for GM-free food is seen as not possible. The idea,
quite simply, is to pollute faster than countries can legislate - then
change the laws to fit the contamination."
Naomi Klein, When Choice Becomes Just A Memory, The Guardian, January 21,

For two years the European Seed Association has been at the forefront of
lobbying for a new European Seed Contamination Directive. That regulation
was due to be finalised next month.

It would allow an initial release of up to 7000 million unregulated and
unmonitored GE plants across Europe by contaminating ordinary planting seed
that all farmers buy. It could affect the 10 percent of EU arable land
currently planted to maize and oilseed rape. It could introduce an
unprecedented amount of GE contamination into the food chain.

Greenpeace and others have warned that it would add extra costs to farmers
and could destroy the viability of the European organic industry which must
stay GE-free.

In one respect the barbed wire was no surprise. The proposed Seed
Contamination Directive has so far been characterised by closed doors and

In an unusual move, both the European Parliament and Council of EU
Environment ministers are being excluded from the decision making process on
this controversial measure. Instead an unelected technical committee, the
Standing Committee on Seeds, are being asked to give the final go ahead for
what may be the biggest single release of GE crops Europe has ever seen. The
only other body who will have any say is the World Trade Organisation. It
feels like a stitch-up from start to finish.

Perhaps though the seed industry has good reason to be worried.

In the past few weeks thousands of Greenpeace cyberactivists have been
emailing European ministers to alert them to the real cost of the GE Seed
Contamination Directive. Last week Greenpeace and others presented an online
petition signed by over 70,000 individuals and 300 farmer, environmental and
consumer groups representing over 25 million members.

Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture, who received the petition
seemed surprised and concerned by the scope of impact of legalising seed

Down in central Brussels police are still standing in the rain and waiting
in riot vans. They have even closed down the botanical garden, a little
green haven of biodiversity, so that the genetically engineered seed
industry can safely plan the destruction of our agricultural diversity away
from public view. An undercover detective stops me and searches my bags,
expecting Greenpeace climbers and thousands of activists to arrive
momentarily on the street. I smile as I think of the thousands of
cyberactivists sending their concerns direct to EU ministers.
There are ways to get past razor wire.

If you live in Europe please join the cyberaction on GE seeds and send
letters to your national agriculture minister asking them not to accept GE
contamination in our seeds (http://act.greenpeace.org/ams/e?a=seeds&s=blue2)

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