Hate to burst everyone's conspiracy bubble, but Q33NY isn't a flight
number...(let alone the flight number of one of the tower planes).

The internet is a great way to spread information (and dis- and mis-
information too).

Check out www.snopes.com

It's a great site to check out the 'urban legends' becoming so prominant
in today's cyber-society. click on the 9/11 rumours link and scroll down
to 'wingding' link. Sure is some good reading on some of the other links

Co-incidence?  no such thing.
But when you start with the "truth" and draw the lines usually truth is
the result.

Here in America there is a conspiracy hiding under every bed...(the
commies left in the mid-80's).

And yeah, sure, there was ice build up on the wings of Senator Wellstone's

Keep the "faith",
(but check your sources)


PS haven't seen any refrence to molten steel on the snopes website, so....

> Cheryl -
> It IS really freaky.
> Essie
> At 03:52 PM 11/01/02 +1100, you wrote:
>>Have you seen what can happen when you print in the flight number of
>> the  first plane to hit the WTC on 9/11
>>In word new doc, print in the flight number
>>Change type size to 26,
>>then change the font to Wingdings
>>and see what you get - really freaky.
>>see below if you want see it before you try it yourself
>>Cheryl Kemp
>>Education and Workshop Coordinator
>>Biodynamic AgriCulture Australia
>>Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
>>Home: 02 6657 5306
>>email: <mailto:cheryl@;biodynamics.net.au>[EMAIL PROTECTED] web:
>> <http://www.biodynamics.net.au>www.biodynamics.net.au

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