I have a tremendous amount of medical data that
supports this idea as well.  Pesticides and PCBs both
through prenatal transmission and continued ingestion
through childhood have been scientifically connected
to lowered IQs, learning disorders, and behavioral

The research is overwhelming, yet the abuse of our
children continues!


> Below is a news item that I think is of
> significance. It lends support to
> Hugh Esco and Kerry Dickson's position that we
> should have organic food in
> our school lunch programs. It is a campaign issue
> that may sound quixotic
> but is definitely not.
> Best,
> Hugh Lovel
> Another organic farmer
> From: "Joe McBride" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: Organic Acres
> Dear Friends,
> I am a member of the Carolina Farm Stewarship
> Association based in Pittsboro, NC. Below is a news
> email from our
> Charlotte, NC group which includes me and several
> members in SC.
> Please share this information how whole nutrition
> can and will correct
> attitude and behavior. Think of the revolution in
> character and morals
> that would happen if everyone would stop putting in
> their mouths the
> poison that is causing much of societys problem.
> Have you seen any
> media reports about this. I have'nt. I checked Truth
> or Fiction web
> site for validity and nothing came up so I am
> assuming this
> information is correct and passing it on. I am a
> organic farmer and do
> know this theory is absolutely correct.
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> To:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> From:                 David Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date sent:            Sun, 3 Nov 2002 16:16:18 -0800
> (PST)
> Subject:              [charlottecfsa] A MIRACLE IN
> WISCONSIN - Attributed
> to Good Food! Send reply to:  
> [ Double-click this line for list subscription
> options ]
> --- Mark Huebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: Mark Huebner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [nc_safe_food] A MIRACLE IN WISCONSIN -
> Attributed to Good Food!
> Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 11:14:00 -0400
> Junk food = Junk body.  It is not all the good that
> you do that
> counts, but the little things. Worth sending to each
> and every
> principal in the country.
> Thanks to: Dr. J. Rozencwajg, MD, Ph.D..
> "The greatest enemy of any science is a closed
> mind".
> OCTOBER 14. In Appleton, Wisconsin, a revolution has
> occurred. It's
> taken place in the Central Alternative High School.
> The kids now
> behave. The hallways aren't frantic. Even the
> teachers are happy.
> The school used to be out of control. Kids packed
> weapons.
> Discipline problems swamped the principal's office.
> But not since
> 1997.
> What happened? Did they line every inch of space
> with cops? Did
> they spray valium gas in the classrooms? Did they
> install metal
> detectors in the bathrooms? Did they build holding
> cells in the gym?
> Afraid not. In 1997, a private group called Natural
> Ovens began
> installing a healthy lunch program. Huh?
> Fast-food burgers, fries, and burritos gave way to
> fresh salads, meats
> "prepared with old-fashioned recipes," and whole
> grain bread. Fresh
> fruits were added to the menu. Good drinking water
> arrived.
> Vending machines were removed.
> As reported in a newsletter called Pure Facts,
> "Grades are up, truancy is no longer a problem,
> arguments are rare,
> and teachers are able to spend their time teaching."
> Principal Lu Ann Coenen, who files annual reports
> with the state of
> Wisconsin, has turned in some staggering figures
> since 1997.
> Drop-outs? Students expelled? Students discovered to
> be using
> drugs? Carrying weapons? Committing suicide? Every
> category has
> come up ZERO. Every year.
> Mary Bruyette, a teacher, states, "I don't have to
> deal with daily
> discipline issues. I don't have disruptions in class
> or the
> difficulties with student behavior I experienced
> before we started the
> food program."
> One student asserted, "Now that I can concentrate I
> think it's easier
> to get along with people." What a concept---eating
> healthier food
> increases concentration.
> Principal Coenen sums it up: "I can't buy the
> argument that it's too
> costly for schools to provide good nutrition for
> their students. I
> found that one cost will reduce another. I don't
> have the vandalism. I
> don't have the litter. I don't have the need for
> high security."
> At a nearby middle school, the new food program is
> catching on. A
> teacher there, Dennis Abram, reports, "I've taught
> here almost 30
> years. I see the kids this year as calmer, easier to
> talk to. They
> just seem more rational. I had thought about
> retiring this year  and
> basically I've decided to teach another year---I'm
> having too much
> fun!"
> Pure Facts, the newsletter that ran this story, is
> published by a
> non-profit organization called The Feingold
> Association, which has
> existed since 1976. Part of its mission is to
> "generate public
> awareness of the potential role of foods and
> synthetic additives in
> behavior, learning and health problems. The
> [Feingold] program is
> based on a diet eliminating synthetic colors,
> synthetic flavors, and
> the preservatives BHA, BHT, and TBHQ."
> Thirty years ago there was a Dr. Feingold. His
> breakthrough work
> proved the connection between these negative factors
> in food and the
> lives of children. Hailed as a revolutionary
> advance, Feingold's
> findings were soon trashed by the medical cartel,
> since those findings
> threatened the drugs-for-everything, disease-model
> concept of
> modern health care.
> But Feingold's followers have kept his work alive.
> If what happened in
> Appleton, Wisconsin, takes hold in many other
> communities across
> America, perhaps the ravenous corporations who
> invade school
> space with their vending machines and junk food will
> be tossed out on
> their behinds. It could happen.
> And perhaps ADHD will become a dinosaur. A
> non-disease that was
> once attributed to errant brain chemistry. And
> perhaps Ritalin will be
> seen as just another toxic chemical that was added
> to 
=== message truncated ===

Stacey Elin Rossi

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