In the vernacular of the local kids: You wish!!
David C

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, 23 November 2002 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps

> We should request that the agencies involved take a closer look at the use
> chemicals at the same time they are examing the tea issue.  Have them look
> residuals and food quality as well as the effects on groundwater...sstorch
> In a message dated 11/13/02 9:54:03 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << David, I brought this up to our National Organic/Biodynamic Production
> Standards committee (Australia)and they have spoken with the CSIRO re
> research into this issue. David Matthews is an Ex Vet and knows all about
> this stuff, and has mates in the right places.  Now we have to look at
> research funding, especially trying to get the Organic levies outof the
> non-organic sphere. But fear not, it is being taken seriously and wheels
> in motion.
> I really appreciate the discussion happening on BDNow to help this issue
> along.
> Cheryl Kemp
> Education and Workshop Coordinator
> Biodynamic AgriCulture Australia
> Phone /Fax : 02 6657 5322
> Home: 02 6657 5306
> web:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "D & S Chamberlain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 5:50 PM
> Subject: Re: Search for results of Elaine's testing of bd preps
> > Hugh: I think that Frank has a valid point. Obviously poorly made
> > tea can contain E.coli, the question is how do we stop it happening?
> > Perceptions are everything, if it can be traced that someone got ill
> > compost tea then there are legions of highly paid people who will push
> > perception, right or wrong, that all compost tea is bad. No amount of
> > huffing and puffing will change the perception once instigated, rumour
> > innuendo is the way that chemical companies fight and there's plenty of
> > suckers out there willing to listen to them.
> > Ideas anyone? >>

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