----- Original Message -----
From: "Allan Balliett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 2:40 PM
Subject: Asking for Your Considerations

> Folks -

> What I want to ask is for everyone to visualize my foot healed (size
> 13!!) and useful again. Please do this whenever you think of it, or
> when you pray alone or in groups or during your contemplations. Just
> imagine my left foot painless, complete, and the ankle free to rotate
> in all directions. I really do believe in the power of prayer and I'd
> really like to take advantage of the good thoughts of all the good
> souls who read this list. This will only work, of course, if you can
> make some time to think me well.
Dear Allan,
Just letting you know I will be thinking of you.  Sometimes it is so easy
for us to take our health and wholeness for granted.  I wish I could make
you an orgone accumulator and beam it to you.  That might speed the healing
process.  Thanks for all you do for others.
Michelle Wendell

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