Its about letting go of the past and grasping the present and the future.
The way the remedy is made the inhibiting qualities of the strong tannins
are left behind.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Hugh Lovel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 8:50 AM
Subject: Re: Transplanting remedies ?

> >Hi All
> >
> >Can some one explain the transplanting function of this
> >"rescue remedy and the Bach Flower Remedy, Walnut"
> >I'm familiar with rescue remedy, but have no information
> >abut :Bach Flower Remedy, Walnut:
> >Normally Walnut inhibit growth of other plants ??
> >
> >Thanks
> >Per Garp/NH
> Dear Per,
> You are right on the money that walnut inhibits the growth in almost
> everything except one or two grasses and black raspberries. That is
> precisely why it is used.
> Homeopathy is the treatment of conditions with materials--taken out to
> dilute potencies--that would otherwise cause the same condition in healthy
> organisms. Thus to treat cancer, the usual treatment is homeopathic
> (mistletoe) which amounts to a cancerous growth when it occurs naturally
> oak trees.
> In this case to get the transplants over their shock, use rescue remedy;
> send them off into growth give them walnut, a Bach Flower Remedy.
> Best,
> Hugh Lovel
> Visit our website at:

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