Moen Creek wrote:

          The Sun, the Sun, sleeping Solstice Night
            Will return with goodness and Light
            Will return with goodness and Light !

Amen to that, Mark and Linda, and be assured that the Sun will return.

roger in Canberra, Oz, where the living room temperature is 33 degrees Celsius and has been all afternoon!



Today, do not worry, do not anger

Honour your parents, teachers and elders

Earn your living honestly & Be thankful to all life


Roger Pye
Reiki & Earth Healing, Energy & Water Dowsing
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6255 3824
Fax: +61 2 6255 1028
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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