Lloyd said:

Roger, dont you think you have got a bit carried away with this?

Lloyd , I assume that Roger was responding to my more generalized statement about the use of artificial fertilizers to jump start a depleted piece of ground.

Roger, I appreciate that you spoke up for the finer sensibilities. I ask that you understand that Pfeiffer was advocating the use of commercial fertilizer as a TOOL in a biodynamic farming practice and not as an end in and of itself. Quantities of synthetics used would be small, and, as I understand it, applied one season,only. The suggetion, of course, is for situations of extreme depletion, just to get green covers growing that inturn would perk up the biology. All this is assuming that the grower couldn't access tons of high quality compost for this start-up season.

Hear! Hear! for remembering the higher principles!

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