Title: FW: [globalnews] Mysterious Webs Drop From the Texas Skies

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>>Truth is Stranger than Fact
>  Mysterious Webs Drop From the Skies


By Michael A. Smith
The Daily News (Galveston)

Published December 21, 2002

Was it part of nature's enigmatic web, or part of a sinister web of
conspiracy in the black-helicopter, secret-mass-experiment vein?

Hard to say, but one thing seems clear: The skies over Galveston County
on Friday were literally filled with floating, shimmering strands and
fuzzy, luminescent wads that looked a lot like spider webs.

Lorenzo DeLacerta saw them about noon when he delivered building material
to a site a mile east of the San Louis Pass Bridge.

"It blew my mind," DeLacerta said. "I have never seen anything like it
before." Others on the site saw them, too, he said, but their minds were
not blown. They were like ‘Yeah?' They didn't seem to think much about

Lorenzo called his sister, Gloria, who saw the same thing in the sky over
La Marque. She called The Daily News where a half dozen skeptical news
people were forced to admit that there was, indeed, under way a slow,
steady parade of slender web-like strands, some near the ground, some way
up where the airliners ply.

The webs were visible in the air for five hours, and poles were left
wrapped with the sticky strands and fuzzy wads. So what were they?
Official sky-web sources seem scarce. A spokesman at the National Weather
Service Office in League City said the service had received no reports of
flying webs, and that flying webs weren't really their thing.
The phenomenon has occurred in at least two other places. The Associated
Press reported Oct. 8 that "long, floating spider webs" were "bobbing
through the skies of Santa Cruz, Calif., … confusing some community
members concerned about biological weapons, UFOs and other phenomena."

And the Wallowa Chieftain in Oregon reported on Dec. 22, 2000, the
sightings of "web-like material … falling from the sky" that some locals
thought came "from three military jets that had been flying back and
forth in an east-west flight pattern at high altitude."
A University of Wyoming microbiology professor quoted in the AP story
attributed the Santa Cruz webs to a seasonal migration of hatchling
spiders leaving their nests. The professor, who did not return messages
left at his home and office, said it was not uncommon to see "dozens" of
webs floating across the plains of Wyoming.

But observers here were not reporting dozens of webs, but hundreds of
thousands. One explanation, of sorts, can be found on the World Wide Web,
where scores of people are convinced that the webs are man-made and may
be part of a sinister conspiracy. Like a lot of web-based topics, exactly
what is the man-made material and the conspiracy's goal is a little murky.

Some posts say the webs appear on days when strange condensation trails,
like those from jet airplanes, also occur. Was Galveston County visited
by a mundane migration of arachnids or something else?

Lorenzo DeLacerta, who spent Friday contemplating the webs, does not know
what they were, but he says he's sure of one thing. "I have never seen
anything like this before. I have seen spiders floating on webs before,
but I have never seen this."

Courtesy of Mark Graffis

Larry Morningstar
Truth is Stranger Than Fact

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