Alarm as GM pig vaccine taints US crops

Strict new guidelines planned after contamination

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Tuesday December 24, 2002
The Guardian

US authorities, shaken by a case in which food crops were
contaminated with an experimental pig vaccine, are preparing to
impose stringent guidelines on a new generation of experimental GM

The department of agriculture and the environmental protection agency
are encountering growing disquiet from a coalition of farmers and
food manufacturers about the potential dangers of the next phase of
GM products - "biopharming", or the implanting of genes in food crops
to grow drugs and industrial chemicals.

The idea of tightening regulations on GM products represents
something of a revolution in thinking in the US, where about 70% of
the processed food on supermarket shelves contains genetically
engineered ingredients.

But concerns have arisen after a small biotech firm in Texas was
fined $3m (£2m) for tainting half a million bushels of soya bean with
a trial vaccine used to prevent stomach upsets in piglets.

Under a settlement reached this month, the first of its kind against
any biotech company in the US, a firm called Prodigene agreed to pay
a fine of $250,000 and to repay the government for the cost of
incinerating the soya bean that had been contaminated with
genetically altered corn.

US authorities said the corn did not reach food crops or animal feed.
But the episode has drawn unwelcome attention to an as yet
experimental area of GM farming.

The premise behind biopharming, or "pharming" for short, is that
genetic tinkering can turn an ordinary-looking corn or barley field
into a potential drug factory, producing insulin, chemotherapy drugs,
and other products for much less than it would cost to set up an
industrial plant.

At present, two dozen trials of the experimental GM drugs are under
way across the US.

The biotech firms argue that the new technique can revolutionise
health care, especially in the developing world where hospitals short
on syringes can dispense edible drugs. But in the wake of the Texas
case, questions are being asked.

The latest incident was the worst violation so far of regulations
intended to keep biopharming out of the food supply. It was also seen
as the most serious setback to date to the next generation of GM

Until now, genetic engineering has been used mainly to make crops
such as corn and soya bean resistant to insects and disease, and the
US food industry has been solidly on side.

The Texas alarm has begun to change that. "The incident overall just
reaffirms our concerns that something could go wrong," Stephanie
Childs of the Grocery Manufacturers of America, which represents food
companies such as Kellogg and General Mills, told the Los Angeles

Analysts in Washington said yesterday that they expected the
department of agriculture to impose more stringent guidelines next
year. Published reports said yesterday that guidelines under
consideration by the authorities include moving experimental farms
away from America's grain belt in the mid-west, or requiring growers
to dye the leaves of the altered crops.

The agriculture department's disciplinary measures against the small
Texas firm have crystallised concerns among farmers,
environmentalists and industry about the risks of experimental
vaccine crops getting into the food supply.

"The department of agriculture wanted to send a signal that the
companies need to take the obligation to protect the food supply very
seriously," Michael Rodemeyer, the director of Washington's Pew
Initiative on Food and Biotechnology, said yesterday.

"The whole issue of growing pharmaceuticals in food crops has
certainly raised concern within the food industry, as well as among
environmentalists and others, about genes from these crops getting
into the food supply."

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