Title: FW: [SANET-MG] FW: job in biodynamic,organic -- Exec Director
A friend forwarded this to me, I thought the BdNow folks not on sanet would find this of interest. JS

The Demeter Association, Inc., certifier of Biodynamic® and organic
agriculture invites applications for the position of Executive Director. The
position also includes the directorship of Stellar Certification Services,
USDA-accredited certifier to the National Organic Program. A complete job
posting is available at http://www.demeter-usa.org/pdfs/execdirector.pdf.

For more information, please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please print and post or forward this information. Thanks.

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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jackie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, January 03, 2003 9:23 AM
>To: Andy Clark, SAN Coordinator
>Subject: Re: job listing

The Demeter Association, Inc., certifier of Biodynamic® and organic
agriculture invites applications for the position of Executive Director. The
position also includes the directorship of Stellar Certification Services,
USDA-accredited certifier to the National Organic Program. A complete job
posting is available at http://www.demeter-usa.org/pdfs/execdirector.pdf.

For more information, please contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please print and post or forward this information. Thanks.

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