My BDNOW (email) folder has over 2495 entries. I was pretty sure 
the topic of trees as broadcasters has been addressed before now, 
but I can't locate it in all the conglomerated mess that is BDNOW 
folder. I DID locate one (off in my Biodynamic folder of documents 
I've saved as Word docs), called 'trees as healers' but it's totally 
blank. (March 4, 1999, also "The Cow Being" in that same 
timeframe, a blank document too.) These may / may not be 
important documents, but I sure would like to find out what we were 
discussing 'back then'. I remember some of it 'of salmon and 
stream' came from Ferdinand, and some of the cow auras did too. 

I think the old discussions are important so we don't just sit 
around, chewing over the same old ground, and not learning 
anything from the prior postings. 

Interesting and on the topic of trees. Two friends and I took a walk 
last Sunday, looking for likely bridle paths for them to come back 
and ride later on. We walked around my very tiny woodlot (7 
acres), along a dirt road. One lady decided to stop and take a 'pee 
break'. We walked on, letting her conduct herself in private. A few 
steps ahead, we felt a distinctive buzzing, and looked up. A very 
active (for January) bee colony was entering and buzzing around a 
broken limb off an (obviously hollow) tree trunk. We hugged the tree 
and put our ear to the trunk and could feel it alive with the inner 
activity. Darla kept saying, DON'T MAKE THEM MAD... she was in 
a rather 'compromised' position at the time <G>. But they were 
intent on their own world, and paid us no attention at all. Whenever 
I see bees, especially wild ones,  I always feel enormous hope. 

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