Dear fellow biodynamicists,

I append below details of the proceedings of a workshop for the biotech and
BD/organic agricultural sectors which took place in the fall in Scotland.
Biodynamics was well represented amongst both the invited speakers and the
participants. As you might expect, such an event was potentially a 'clash
of cultures' but some interesting conversations developed which are fully
reported in the proceedings.

David Heaf
Ifgene UK co-ordinator

The following publication is now available to order:

Title: Genetic Engineering and the Intrinsic Value and Integrity of Animals
and Plants -- Proceedings of a Workshop at the Royal Botanic Garden,
Edinburgh, UK.
Date: 18-21 September 2002

Editors: David Heaf & Johannes Wirz
Publisher: Ifgene - International Forum for Genetic Engineering,
Publication date: December 2002
ISBN: 0-9541035-1-3
Format: A4; 116 pages; 35 illustrations

What do we mean by the intrinsic value and integrity of plants and animals?
-- Holmes Rolston III (Philosophy Department, Colorado University, USA);

Engineering genesis: pioneering genetic engineering and ethics in Scotland
-- Donald Bruce (Society, Religion & Technology Project, Scotland);

Seeing the integrity and intrinsic value of animals: developing
appreciative modes of understanding -- Craig Holdrege (The Nature
Institute, NY, USA);

Does genetic engineering impact the intrinsic value and integrity of
plants? -- Howard Davies (Scottish Crops Research Institute);

Phenomenological studies on transgenic potatoes: genetic modification adds
more than intended traits -- Ruth Richter (Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion,
Goetheanum, Switzerland);

Does genetic engineering impact the intrinsic value and integrity of
animals? -- Henk Verhoog (Louis Bolk Institute, Netherlands);

Does genetic engineering impact the intrinsic value and integrity of
animals? -- Harry Griffin (Roslin Institute, Scotland);

Why is it in the farmer's interest to pay attention to the intrinsic value
and integrity of animals and plants? -- Timothy Brink (Demeter Standards,

New rules for a new situation: protecting animals' interests in the era of
genetic engineering -- Mike Radford (Law Department, Aberdeen University,

Could genetic engineering be part of a sustainable breeding approach? --
Christina Henatsch (Kultursaat, Germany);

Naturalness and breeding in organic farming -- Ton Baars (Louis Bolk
Institute, Netherlands);

The socio-economic implications of biotechnology in agriculture: exploring
the issues -- Ben Davies, Caspian Richards and Clive L. Spash (Macaulay
Institute, Scotland);

Progress towards a science of organisms: genetically modified animals –
Bruce Whitelaw (Roslin Institute, Scotland);

Towards a science of organism: lessons to learn from phenomenology --
Johannes Wirz (Naturwissenschaftliche Sektion, Goetheanum, Switzerland);

Making a social contract for biotechnology -- Donald Bruce (Society,
Religion & Technology Project, Scotland);

Genetic engineering and intrinsic value: the New Zealand experience --
Alastair S. Gunn and Kelly A. Tudhope (Philosophy Department, Waikato
University, New Zealand);

The relation between ethics and aesthetics in connection with moral
judgements about gene technology -- Michael Hauskeller (Exeter Genomics
Research Centre, UK);

Maize landrace integrity and transgenic introgression: the recent Mexican
experience -- Fernando Ortiz Monasterio (Cibiogem, Mexico);

Experts and the public assessing intrinsic ethical concerns: experiences
with the Dutch animal biotechnology policy -- Lino Paula (Ecological &
Evolutionary Sciences Institute, Leiden, Netherlands);

Substantial equivalence and ethical equivalence: contrasting approaches --
Sylvie Pouteau (National Agricultural Research Institute (INRA), France);

The intrinsic value of micro-organisms -- Judyth Sassoon (Biochemistry
Department, Bath University, UK).

Includes transcripts of all discussions.

Summary and full details of how to order are at:

David Heaf
Email: 101622 (dot) 2773 (at) compuserve (dot) com
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1766 523181
Ifgene UK
Cae Llwyd
LL52 0SG

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