I was approaching a roundabout in the lefthand lane when the young woman driving the late model toyota decided to overtake on the outside as we went around it. 'No way!' I thought, pressed the accelerator and the old Magna surged forward under the power of its 2.6 litre Astron motor, shooting ahead into the single lane ahead of us.

'Did all right there,' I exulted as she fell in behind.

<Sure did,> a little 'voice' said <but - did you really have to be as stupid as her?>

I was staggered and, of course, 'she' was right. Without thinking more, I said aloud 'Okay, in future you drive, I'll just steer, all right?'

Pregnant pause, then <Okay!>

I'd known for a few months there was a deva in the car but that had been the first time we had communicated (it was not to be the last, as I was to discover.) Three weeks went by. Driving was a dream, even in peak traffic which I really hate. In 40 years of driving all over the world it had never been so good. More green lights than red (that's a miracle), no traffic jams (she could see further ahead than me), got everywhere quicker yet always within the speed limits.

One thing she was leery of, though, was overtaking, even when the roads were clear well ahead of us and so I'd take over in those situations. I was coming back from Cooma one Friday afternoon when she asked hesitantly <Er, why are some white lines down the centre of the road solid and some broken?>

You know, it's really difficult to explain road rules to someone from another dimension! Took almost an hour (bearing in mind the driving as well!). When I was sure she understood, I asked 'How come, if you're a car deva, you didn't know all that?'

<Ah,> she answered <My last assignment, they had a sophisticated ground-vehicle system!>

Hm, so much for Earth, I thought!


Show gratitude to all living things
Reiki & Earth Healing, Natural Energy Divination
Earthcare Environmental Solutions
PO Box 2057 Queanbeyan NSW 2620 Australia
Ph: +61 2 6255 3824
Fax: +61 2 6255 1028
Mob: +61 410 469 541

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