Title: FW: [globalnews] Meditation Focus: Defusing the North Korean Crisis

>From Jean Hudon’s visionaryactivism mailing list:


What follows is the 79th Meditation Focus suggested for the two consecutive
weeks beginning Sunday, December 29, 2002.


1. Summary
2. Meditation times
3. More information on this Meditation Focus
4. Peace Watch for Iraq and the Middle East



After a period of gradual rapprochement between the North and South Koreas,
the hopes of this long divided people were dashed by recent upsets in
relations between the United States and the communist regime of the North
Korean leader Kim Jong-il, in part due to the hard-line stance adopted by
the Bush administration following admissions by North Korea that they had
secretly pursued a nuclear weapons program in violation of a 1994 accord,
which led to the end of oil shipments promised to the North under this
deal. Furthermore, last month, North Korea expelled U.N. nuclear inspectors
and said it was reactivating a nuclear reactor which could be used to
produce weapon-grade material for 6 to 8 more atomic bombs in addition to
the 2 crude devices believed to already exist in North Korea's arsenal.
These developments have sent shockwaves of concerns in surrounding
countries and there appears to be little the United States can do - short
of going to war - that would prevent North Korea from producing more
nuclear weapons in the coming months if its leader choose this risky route,
a situation which could ultimately create a nuclear arms race in the

All the neighbors of North Korea oppose its acquisition of nuclear weapons,
but they also oppose a military confrontation with Pyongyang. This is
especially true of South Korea, which has been America's most stalwart ally
in Asia since the end of the Korean War 50 years ago. Given that it is
impossible to read into Kim Jong-il's mind as to whether this is all a
cunning brinkmanship aimed at shoring up his own political situation is a
country devastated by hunger and a deepening economic crisis and/or if he
is genuinely concerned that he stands next in line after the U.S. has dealt
with Saddam Hussein, it would appear that an unconditional acceptance of
direct dialogue between the U.S. and North Korea and a negociated
settlement out of this crisis are the only sensible political options right

Please dedicate your prayers and meditations, as guided by Spirit, in the
coming two weeks, and especially in synchronous attunement at the usual
time this and next week Sundays, to contribute in defusing the tensions
created by the recent decisions and statements made by the parties involved
in this simmering crisis so as to make everyone connected with this crisis
keenly aware that the consequences of confrontation could only worsen an
already very difficult situation for millions of human beings and that a
peaceful resolution is not only highly preferable for all, but the only
acceptable outcome. May love, compassion and mutual trust grow and quickly
render harmless the attitudes, statements and decisions made by all parties
involved, for the Highest Good of All.

This whole Meditation Focus is also available at

"We are all connected as in a giant spiritual hive and we all resonate to
each other. The power of human minds and hearts united around a common
purpose through meditation and prayer is awesome and the more people can be
harmonized around a common goal, the more powerful their collective
influence on others and on unfolding world events can be. When we join in
meditation, we are mere instruments for the universal Will, Love and Wisdom
of God. We then act as conduits through which the very high level
frequencies of the healing power of God can be stepped down to our human
level and thus reach forth to all humans through the Web of Life
interconnecting us all."

- Amanumenoum



i) Global Meditation Day: Sunday at 16:00 Universal Time (GMT) or at noon
local time. Suggested duration: 30 minutes.

ii) Golden Moment of At-Onement: Daily, at the top of any hour, or whenever
it better suits you.

These times below now correspond to 16:00 Universal Time/GMT:

Honolulu 6:00 AM -- Anchorage 7:00 AM -- Los Angeles 8:00 AM -- Denver 9:00
AM -- San Salvador, Mexico City, Houston & Chicago 10:00 AM -- New York,
Toronto & Montreal 11:00 AM -- Halifax, Santo Domingo, La Paz & Caracas
12:00 PM -- Montevideo, Asuncion * & Santiago * 1:00 PM -- Rio de Janeiro *
2:00 PM -- London, Dublin, Lisbon, Reykjavik & Casablanca 4:00 PM -- Lagos,
Algiers, Geneva, Rome, Berlin, Paris & Madrid 5:00 PM -- Ankara, Jerusalem,
Johannesburg, Athens, Helsinki & Istanbul 6:00 PM -- Baghdad, Moscow &
Nairobi 7:00 PM -- Tehran 7:30 PM -- Islamabad 9:00 PM -- Calcutta & New
Delhi 9:30 PM -- Dhaka 10:00 PM -- Rangoon 10:30 PM -- Hanoi, Bangkok &
Jakarta 11:00 PM -- Hong Kong, Perth, Beijing & Kuala Lumpur +12:00 AM --
Seoul & Tokyo +1:00 AM -- Brisbane, Canberra & Melbourne +2:00 AM --
Wellington * +5:00 AM

+ means the place is one day ahead of Universal Time/Greenwich Mean Time.
* means the place is observing daylight saving time (DST) at the moment.

You may also check at http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/full.html to
find your current corresponding local time if a closeby city is not listed
“Inner speed, outer caution; inner caution, outer speed”
 --Words of Wisdom From the Great Caduceator

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