We went to a booksale put on by Bonner General Hospital and bought a lot

of old books cheap.  One of these was My Autobiography, Charles
Chaplin.  It was a real moving story.  Among many other aspects of his
life, he was a British citizen who lived in America and who produced The

Great Dictator in the time of Hoover and McCarthy.  I checked Richard
Attenborough's film Chaplin, with Robert Downey, Jr. as Chaplin, out of
the library too and was very moved by it.  I have never seen The Great
Dictator.  It is a good time for people who have seen these videos to
see them again.  Chaplin went on vacation out of the country with his
wife Oona O'Neill Chaplin, and was barred from returning by the
government even though he had done nothing they could indict him for.
It was a sad era in American history.

The second thing I want to say is that Montana has been very brave in
facing up to the introduction of transgenic wheat into our food system.
Here is a post I received just now:

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

To those following the transgenic wheat issues in the West, there are
four legislative bills being introduced in the Montana legislature this
session which just began its once every two-year session.

With Monsanto now formally applying for commercialization of
transgenic(GMO) wheat, this legislative effort represents one of the
few attempts in the nation to protect the United States wheat industry
from the very possible economic and environmental disasters that the
transgenic soybean and corn industries are continuing to experience.

Bill numbers and brief overview follow:

LC1555- A resolution of the Montana legislature essentially stating the
"sense of the legislature" that  transgenic (GMO) wheat should not be
commercialized in the State of Montana until export markets to pacific
rim states are secure and that the segregation of transgenic wheat from
non-transgenic wheat can be accomplished.

LC1065- A law to amend current seed labeling regulations, so that
transgenic wheat seed will be clearly identified and planting
restrictions (buffer zones, etc) will be clearly identified.

LC1723- A law that will provide a certification process for the proposed

introduction of transgenic wheat into Montana. This law will create an
extensive economic, environmental and human health review by the MT
Department of Agriculture with allowance for public comment, before
transgenic wheat is allowed to introduced into the state of Montana.

LC1578- A law that will provide that a company holding a patent to
transgenic wheat variety must post a $20 million dollar bond prior to
the release of that variety for commercial production in Montana.
Essentially, his law will provide security for potential damages that
may be caused to the wheat industry by the introduction of transgenic

The full text of  these draft bills can be downloaded off of the Montana

legislature web site
You can also track the progress of this legislation on this site as

Jeff Schahczenski
Executive Director
Western Sustainable Agriculture Working Group
3040 Continental Drive
Butte, MT 59701

" From the Grassroots to the Nation"

*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The third thing I'm concerned about is the gutting of every
environmental law that we worked so hard to get passed.  There will be
limestone mining in the Everglades and oil and gas drilling in
Yellowstone and the Greater Rockies.  It's on the BioGems website at

I value this list/serve as a place where I can talk about these things.
I surely will be sad to see my right to free speech go out the window.
I love you all.


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