Steve, Do you spray with snow on the ground?  Merla


> In a message dated 1/12/03 10:57:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << We are now entering the wintertime crystallization period which
> extends from January 15 to February 15.  Steiner discusses this on
> page 30.
> Neophytes and experienced Steinerites alike should know that Steiner,
> when giving a lecture, often referred to only one part of a vaster
> subject so as not to get sidetracked or confuse his audience.  So it
> is with the concept of crystallization.
> The crystallization period is that time when the cosmic forces work
> to keep the earth atoms in existence.  >>
> bla, bla, bla... Here on the Green Thumb Farm the spray season never ends.
> The Fall gets heavy applications of 500, bc, and equisetum and 501.  This is
> done as sequential sprays leading up to the Three King's Remedy, [6Jan].
> This is done over our 100 acres.  It is now mid Winter, and yes the
> crystallization forces are at their peak.  This week, during the mid Winter
> full moon, [which is waxing] we shall start a series of 500 sprays over the
> whole farm.  By the Spring the soil will be bursting with Mycorrhizal fungi,
> visible to the unaided eye.  The earthworms will be rarin' to go...spray on,
> SStorch

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