I'm supposed to talk about this very subject for half an hour at the future harvest conference tonight up in Hagerstown.
That's why I asked,Leigh, to keep you on your game! ;-)

I still don't understand why you feel that the intern system is exploitive? (Oops! Maybe you, like I sometime do, feel that it is exploitive of the farm and the farmer!) Don't you think there is a fair exchange when you actually pay someone to demonstrate to them for a season how to get into the good life that you have outlined above?

On a different topic:

Dr. jim Duke is speaking at the same conference on 'making money with medicinals' or something like that. Since I know that the money for medicinal herbs has moved off the coast and the American organic farmers who essentailly created the herbal renaissance were essentially pushed out of the market place by cheap imported herbs the year after the boom started, I wondered what in the world he had to tell mid-atlantic growers. I contacted him and the answer is MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS, there is a growing, accessible, market for medicinal mushrooms!! For more details, one will have to attend the Hagerstown conference this weekend.

Or wait for Leigh to tell us all about it!

Thanks for the good news, Leigh. ;-)


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