Am visualizing orgone-like squiggles as best
> as I can recall SteveStorch's description of them some time back.
Thanks for bringing this up Lily, I've been wanting to ask sstorch about
these.  For months I have been witnessing squiggles, only in the early
morning.  They have not been visible the last few weeks, and I am interested
to learn more about them.

The squiggles usually stream in from the North on approx. a 45 degree angle.
They are most visible at dawn and continue after the sun comes up, but begin
to fade in brightness as the sun rises.  There is a tiny tip of white/bluish
light which lengthens into a thread like squiggle which range in size from
an  inch to approx. 4".  They are numerous and move at a rapid rate.  The
intensity of light and numbers are greater in times before and after
moisture, this including cloud cover.  The last few weeks here have been
beyond parched, and try as I might, I am not seeing any squiggles.
We've had dust storms and smoke haze, but the squiggles were not noticeable
for about a week before these were in the atmosphere.
Are these what you were referring to sstorch and is it orgone that I would


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