Chiron Communiqué

Author's Occasional Newsletter

From Steven McFadden in Santa Fe, NM

Vol. 8  No. 1
January, 2003

© - Copyright 2003 by Steven McFadden
All Rights Reserved

Your Food, Your Family, Your Planet:

One Big Step Torward Renewal

"Much is at stake, and we are the keepers of the Earth."
- Lincoln Geiger, from Farms of Tomorrow Revisited

The human race has only one or perhaps two generations to rescue
itself, according to the 2003 State of the World report by Worldwatch

In its 20th annual report, Worldwatch emphasizes that the longer we
delay wholehearted action to remedy the massive environmental and
social problems we have created for ourselves, then the deeper the
impoverishment and misery that humankind must bear.

Life on planet Earth is now unmistakably and imminently threatened by
overuse of resources, massive pollution and wholesale destruction of
natural areas. Our life-support conditions are deteriorating rapidly.
In most cases, nothing is being done. The political will to make
changes is lacking.

In a preface to the 2003 State of the World Report, Harvard scientist
E. O. Wilson writes: "If we are going to reverse biodiversity loss,
dampen the effects of global warming, and eliminate the scourge of
persistent poverty, we need to reinvent ourselves - as individuals,
as societies, as corporations, and as governments."

While individuals may feel powerless to reinvent or to change the
actions of governments and multinational corporations, there is one
certain step that they and their household can take: joining and
supporting a community farm (CSA). That's because every dollar we
spend on food is a direct vote not just on our personal health, but
also on the kind of environment we and our families live in.

Most food dollars vote - albeit unconsciously - for pesticides,
herbicides, synthetic hormones, preservatives, irradiation, and
genetically mutated crops and farm animals. Before the year is out,
we will likely also have cloned farm animals making their way along
the food chain to our kitchen tables.

This unappetizing reality - and the harsh economic consequences that
follow from it - is not something most people have chosen out of
informed free will.  Rather, via an unconscious process stimulated by
convenience and advertising, people have come to automatically
support this system with their food dollars, unaware of the full
chain of effects.

As documented in the 1998 book I wrote with Trauger Groh, Farms of
Tomorrow Revisited, CSA farms offer a range of clear, practical and
enormously helpful alternatives in the realms of diet, open local
space, work for local farmers, general economics, and specific
environmental health.  With a CSA the farmer can become a family's
Ambassador to the Earth, and the land she or he tills in the
community can become an Ecological Oasis of thriving health.

A CSA farm is a community-based organization involving consumer
households and growers. The households live independently but agree
to provide direct, up-front support for the local growers by
investing in a share of the harvest. The growers in turn agree to do
their best to provide sufficient quantity and quality of food to meet
the household needs and expectations of the shareholders.

CSA farms typically produce a sizeable share of a family's fresh
vegetables and fruits; many CSAs also offer shares of milk, butter,
eggs, meat, and flowers; some also have formal links with consumer
coops, giving shareholders access to a wide variety of goods.

Within this web of economic relationships, the farms and families
form a network of mutual support, whether the community is based in
an urban neighborhood, a suburb, a church, a school, or some other
social constellation. CSA has wide latitude for variation, depending
on the resources and desires of the participants. No two community
farms are entirely alike.

As CSA pioneers conceived of it -- and as it is being practiced at
many farms -- CSA is not just another new and clever approach to
marketing. Rather, community farming is about the necessary renewal
of agriculture through its healthy linkage with the human community
that depends on farming for survival. It's also about the necessary
stewardship of soil, plants, and animals: the essential capital of
human cultures.

For those with an interest in learning more about this alternative
and the benefits it can bring to them, their families, and their
communities, I offer links to two essays I have written on the
subject, and links to resources and information.

Community Farms in the 21st Century:
Outside the Box, But Inside the Hoop

Farms of Tomorrow:
Community Supported Farms, Farm Supported Communities


State of the World 2003 - Worldwatch Institute

Status of our food chain - from the farm to your kitchen table

CSA Farms and Families
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Assoc.

Alternative Farming Systems Information Center

Robyn Van En Center for Community Supported Agriculture

Emergency Help for Buffalo Herd

(A letter from Brooke Medicine Eagle)

Dear Friends and Family,
Because of the critical winter situation, our buffalo herd has broken
out of their high pasture, where the only, scarce winter feed exists,
and are standing at our door facing starvation.  We do not have the
resources to feed them.

These buffalo are very special beings. We love them as our great
friends, and want to help them.  They embody the need to heal the
drought-ridden and overgrazed lands that they inhabit, and are an
integral part of the process of this healing. They and their
companion horse herd provide a powerful part of the beauty
experienced by those who come to Sacred Ground for healing retreat.

We need to act now.  It will cost $5000 to purchase a feeder and
enough hay to ensure the herd makes it through the winter.  That
breaks down to $100 per buffalo.

Our hope is that you will sponsor 5 or more buffalo by making a
tax-deductible contribution to Sacred Ground International. Your $500
will guarantee the survival of a bull, 2 cows and their beautiful

If you cannot sponsor five, then four or three...even one, would be a
wonderful gift. One calf is a $50 donation.  Smaller contributions of
course are also welcome.

Send your contribution to:
Sacred Ground International
The Buffalo Fund
PO Box 78
Pryor, MT 59066
Tax ID# 81-052-1256


Santa Fe Medicine Circle, the final Tuesday of each month, 2003 -
With Marcia Starck and Steven McFadden. All are invited to take a
seat in an open Medicine Circle that will meet rhythmically at the
end of each month in Tribes Coffee House in Santa Fe. Come and join
the circle for an evening, or come each month.

The circle will explore relevant stories, teachings and observations
for the month ahead. Within the context of group wisdom, the Circle
will consider the spiritual currents at work in the world, and how we
might best meet the times.

The Final Tuesday of each month 2003
Jan. 28, Feb. 25, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 30
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM - By donation
At Tribes Coffee House
139 W. San Francisco St., Santa Fe, NM

January 25-26, 2003 - Level I Reiki Training: Healing with Heart and
Hands. In Santa Fe, NM. Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese word
meaning universal life energy - the energy that flows through all
living things. It is also the name of a simple, effective technique
for healing via the laying-on of hands. Reiki is a natural method of
healing with the use of this basic life energy.

Everyone can heal with their hands. The Reiki system for doing this
is based on a 2,500-year-old tradition that allows practitioners to
consciously direct energy for the benefit of other living beings.
Learn this approach and then for the entirety of your life it will
serve you, your family, and all who need a healing touch.

Reiki Master Steven McFadden has 25 years experience with Reiki, and
has been a Reiki Master since 1990. He helped John Harvey Gray and
Lourdes Gray write their new book: Hand to Hand: The Oldest Living
Reiki Master Tells His Story (2002 ).

Classes will be held in Santa Fe, NM, 10 AM to 4 PM both Saturday and
Sunday. The cost of the training is $175.  To register send e-mail to

January 30 - Santa Fe's Land, Farms and Families: Steps Toward
Environmental and Economic Renewal  - As with other American
communities, Santa Fe could readily establish environmental oases on
open land, use water wisely, and provide both good jobs and fresh,
clean food for  families and households. Free evening talk by Steven
McFadden, co-author of Farms of Tomorrow Revisited.  Starts at 7 PM
at Longevity Cafe, 112 W. San Francisco St., Santa Fe, NM. For
information contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]  or see

March 7 , 2003 - On the Road to 2012: Legend of the Rainbow Warriors,
an evening circle with discussion of 2012 and the dozens of Native
legends and teachings that apply directly to the present moment of
history. In Sedona, AZ.  For information contact Tarri Otterlee:

March 8-9 , 2003 - Level I Reiki Training: Healing with Heart and
Hands. In Sedona, AZ. Please see the description of the Reiki I class
above. For information about the Sedona program please contact Tarri
Otterlee: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Steven McFadden

March 21-22 - On the Road to 2012: Legend of the Rainbow Warriors. A
Friday evening Circle, and all-day intensive workshop on Saturday. At
Soul Works in New Hope, PA, just north of Philadelphia.

With story, sound, breath, encounter, movement, and meditation, we
will explore the legend of the rainbow warriors and its urgent
relevance to our lives and our times.

For information contact SarahLouise; she gets a lot of e-mail and
needs to sort it so please place "Steven" in the subject line when
your write to her at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or you may call 215-794-0347.

April 5-6, 2003 - Level II Reiki Training: Healing at a Higher Level.
In Santa Fe, NM. The Reiki II class is for students who have already
completed Level I training, and who are ready to take a quantum leap
in their ability. The instruction and the attunements you receive in
this class will spark a many-fold leap in your capacity to channel
Reiki. Certificates awarded.

Classes will be held in Santa Fe, NM, 10 AM to 4 PM both Saturday and
Sunday. The cost of the Level II Reiki Training is $200. To register
send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

May 2-4: Earth Walk Gathering in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada..
Steven McFadden will present three classes over the weekend. Friday
evening: Legend of Rainbow Warriors. Saturday: Steps Along the Earth
Path: Principles and Practice of the Spiritual Journey. Sunday: Inner
Pilgrimage. For information contact Phyllis Robinson in Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

June 2 - Chiron: Wanted Dead and Alive. At The Wisdom School in Santa
Fe. An intense 3-hour evening excursion into the mythology and
reality of the forces personified in the story of Chiron. Bring your
head, your hands, your heart, your astrological chart, and your sense
of adventure. Steven McFadden to teach. For information contact The

More to come...

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Copyright - 2003 - All Rights Reserved
Steven McFadden
Chiron Communications
7 Avenida Vista Grande  #195
Santa Fe, NM  87508

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