Thanks Peter for a new good read. I like Dennis's writing.
And yes the skin and human touch is one of the oldest forms of
communication, eh. And what is the skin? An undeveloped optic nerve it would
seem to me. So the I(eye) is all over the body receiving and transmitting
one's spirit would you say? This sets up a certain vibration where one can
attract or repel other vibrations (i.e. other people). If one wants to have
their lineage carry on I would think the whole idea would be to connect with
another of like vibration so the gene pool can go forth and the "meme" can
move through the culture.
At Aurora Farm we definitely understand the importance of good seed and we
have been offering the same to the culture for some years now. Both in the
form of three sons and millions of high vibrational seeds which have
provided quality nutrition to the human family.
I am also aware that we are sitting ducks with pollutants, etc and they will
make one into an idiot with no sense of where they are going nor where they
have come from. Only there do seem to be many waking up in these times and
walking a new path including paying attention to what they eat.
Nor does it escape my viewshed that all these sexual dysfunctions and
illnesses are occurring at a time when we have a population on exponential.
No coincidence here. With all the memory loss maybe we will come to a time
where certain ones will not remember how to 'get it on'. Might be handy for
those eating the good food with the good memory who have all their lights on
to go forth and multiply.
I had a physiology prof. in the late 70's who was gay and he understood and
conveyed marvellously how the endocrine system worked. Very clear and very
concise he was.
And maybe some wont be into multiplying, just appreciating the love and
touch of another human being.
We are into some new times here, some say we wont need to eat anymore once
we attain a certain vibration. In the meantime we might just get to be the
midwives of a whole new order. That is quite a privelege, eh?
Yes good health and joy to all,
Barbara and Woody

Aurora Farm. the only
unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
in North America offering garden seeds
grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
of spiritual agriculture.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Michael Bacchus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, January 23, 2003 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Certification Story

>Hi Barbera and Woody,
>                                     We all have many windows or view
>through or from which we view life. There are many who look through the
>window refered to by Hugh.
>One of the definitions of fertility is the ability to produce healthy
>decendents. This is becomming more of a challenge for many farmers not
>wholistic methods of farming, of which the suggestions of Steiner are the
>crowning glory. Part of the reproductive process is the will or desire to
>reproduce which can come into the sensuality part of the process. This
>brings us to the skin and possibly why it was recommended in the peppering
>process for the inversion or reversal of the fertility process of small
>animal 'pests'. Then there is the effect of the chemicals on the pituatry
>gland which is the subject of a chapter in the book by Dennis Klocek,
>"SEEKING SPIRIT VISSION". This is no doubt what Hugh is refering to with
>estrogen mimmicking. There are more and more chemicals that are being
>discovered to be endocrine disrupters to a greater or lesser degree. These
>come to us via the air in many instances. There has been relatively little
>research on the effects of the volatile and aerosoled part of
>In a poluted atmosphere who knows what we are ingesting.  What is retained
>in food is better understood, then there is the ripening factor and the
>diversity of essential sugars come into the equation. We are now standing
>before a new challenge of how genetic modification will affect these
>parameters and plant and insect pherenomes which is part of what we breeth
>in and may have effect on our pituatry gland and consequently our whole
>endocrine system.
>Wishing all health and joy in life.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Aurora Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, January 24, 2003 2:57 AM
>Subject: Re: Certification Story
>> Dear Hugh, Peter et al:
>> Gee I didn't quite realize that Woody and I were advocating for happier
>> union for couples. You do have a point there except I feel it is more in
>> realm of sensual rather than sexual. After all when we do our work, with
>> consciousness, are we not "making love with Mother Earth, Father Sky and
>> Life Everywhere?"
>> And yes educating the public is something that we have been doing for
>> and the best way to do that is to hold a certain vibration or
>> as you speak the truth about the products you bring to the marketplace.
>> one has to decipher what it is that each individual needs to hear for
>> to become more conscious. How can they come to their senses? Big job,
>> underrated and underpaid.
>> A big problem for many is the lack of the wild and sacred in their lives.
>> Not enough contact and communion with Nature and all her gifts she
>> on us. Forgot, with all those chemicals that do not allow memory to
>> function, how to be human. Took up a friendship with the culture instead
>> which doesn't provide one with a very good tool kit to do much besides
>> more crap and become more and more a servant to those and that which
>> us from having the direct experiences we came here for in the first
>> When you get a direct hit from nature, that truly penetrates to the depth
>> you, there is full time orgasm and less definitely becomes more.
>> There is no need for all these modern day sicknesses  so yes, let's go
>> let's stay with the power that is rightfully ours to claim. Time is
>> up and the 'times they are a changin.' And let's stay and share the good,
>> the true and the beautiful.
>> On another note Woody and I are initiating some new work which comes out
>> a dream put on hold for many years now . It should be up on our website
>> and involves taking people to pristine wilderness areas for
>> Blessings to all,
>> Barbara and Woody
>> Aurora Farm. the only
>> unsubsidized, family-run seed farm
>> in North America offering garden seeds
>> grown using Rudolf Steiner's methods
>> of spiritual agriculture.

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