Dear Roger,
I thought that it would be common knowledge in America of the use of
depleted uranium in Iraq and Afghanistan. However American soldiers must be
immune to radioactivity as they are going to send 250,000 troops into the
areas where the depleted uranium has been used before.
The veterans from the first Gulf War can testify as to the effectiveness of
the use of depleted uranium.
Should be interesting to keep the medical records of those soldiers. Pity
even the poor technicians who will not know about the radioactivity of the
areas around the wells that they will need to bring back on stream. but as
Colin Powell has said he is not interested in those kinds of figures.
The victory in Iraq will be a pyrrhic one when you look at the long term
costs to the US. Our esteemed leaders who are holding a war conference next
weekend will incur a karmic debt that will take them many lifetimes to pay
James Hedley

----- Original Message -----
From: "Roger Pye" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 5:26 PM
Subject: Re: Smoke Alarm alarming

> Allan Balliett wrote:
> > The other difficult thing to figure out is the US gov's push to
> > dispose of radioactive waste by putting it into products. This alarm
> > must be an example of this (the good outdoes the bad: radioactive
> > waste is being 'disposed' of). I've heard that the biggest reason for
> > the irradiation push was to use up radioactive waste. Now we are
> > hearing that many of the shells dropped in yugoslovia and Afghanistan
> > were radioacitve, made of old plutonoium ie Throwing our radioactive
> > waste all over someone else's country///
> >
> > Is this a green-lit fantasy, or is this what's happening?
> >
> >
> >
> 'Depleted Uranium' they call it and, Yes, Allan, it's happening. A lot
> of DU stuff was used in the  Kosovo conflict, quite possibly it is being
> used in bombs and missiles falling on Iraq now in the 'no fly' zone so
> assiduously defended by the US and the Brits..  Also I am given to
> understand there are 'No Go' radiation areas in some US and allied
> cemeteries around the graves of soldiers who have died since being
> involved in Desert Storm.
> Of course this is stuff we will rarely if ever read about or see in the
> mainstream media which is why it is so important to keep up with world
> news using other channels such as independent stations and papers and
> magazines of which GlobalNews is an excellent example. Unfortunately,
> until the bombs begin bouncing through their roofs or the SWAT teams
> through their front doors, the majority of people are not interested
> enough to turn away from their '494 stations from around the Worrrrrrrld
> on Your PayTeeVee Sets' to find out what's really happening 'out there'.
> February 15th is an ultra-important date in the ongoing tragedy of
> Planet Earth. It is probably one of the very few chances We the People
> will have to stop the war happening. If not the only chance. There will
> be a rally near you.  Please go to it.
> roger

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